Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used for the treatment of different types of pains. These meds are effective for the treatment of pain triggered by an internal swelling or inflammation. Such drugs are fast-acting and have lesser risks of adverse effects. On the other hand, meds belonging to a genre called corticosteroids – also used for internal swelling – may trigger several adverse side effects. Meloxicam and naproxen are some of the commonly administered NSAIDs. But, 15 mg meloxicam equals how much naproxen? It helps to learn more.
Substances called prostaglandins work on nerves and boost pains experienced from internal swelling. These substances are help maintain body temperature. Exerting control on prostaglandins can reduce fever and pains. Drugs categorised under NSAIDs help inhibit prostaglandins, and offer relief from pains.
Owing to this, NSAIDs are taken for pains like headache, menstrual cramps, arthritic pains and discomforts witnessed after surgeries. Most of these meds are also available in their generic forms, and this makes them widely available in most drugstores at lesser prices. It is one of the reasons for their popularity.
What is meloxicam?
This is an NSAID used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other such painful joint conditions. Meloxicam is available as oral tablets, capsules and also as a liquid. Typical dosage of meloxicam is 7.5 milligrams (mg). This dose is consumed as a single dose every day. You may soon sense a sizable reduction of pain.
However, if painful spells persist – your caregiver may boost the dosage strength to 15 mg per day. You need to know 15 mg of meloxicam is the maximum dosage for treating pains caused by inflammation or swelling.
What is naproxen?
This is also an NSAID. It blocks a few chemicals – especially, prostaglandins – to decrease pains and fever. This med is prescribed for treatment of inflammation caused by gout, arthritis, cramps during menstrual cycles, tooth ache and lower back pain. This med brings quick relief from pain. It essentially blocks pain-carrying signals and thus helps treat swelling.
The typical dosage strength is 250 milligrams. It is a good practice to take it with a meal. People who adhere to medication plans have obtained maximum benefits and a faster cure from pain.
15 mg meloxicam equals how much naproxen
Intake of 15 mg meloxicam is equivalent to taking 500 mg naproxen twice per day. You need to know that such high doses cannot be taken for long. The maximum duration must never exceed a week’s time. If you observe adverse signs such as traces of blood in stools, vomiting with blood, pain in your lower abdomen, etc., you need to consult with your caregiver immediately.
These higher levels of dosage are offered when the low dose fails to yield needful results. 7.5 mg of meloxicam or 250 mg of naproxen are considered as moderate doses. Neither of these drugs are to be taken as over the counter meds or through self-medication.
Also, it can be unsafe to switch over to naproxen from meloxicam without telling your doctor. If you need to switch, your treating physician will consider factors such as reason to switch over, clinical track record and / or presence of other ailments, if any.
Some users try to combine these two NSAIDs to get a faster cure; this is a dangerous practice. Making such combinations – without the consent of your doctor – can lead to excessive dosing. Such users may experience severe side effects such as discharge of stools with blood or an acute pain in your tummy.
Taking NSAIDs too often or in overdose may lead to a loss of effectiveness of these meds. It is considered a good practice to speak with your caregiver prior to taking either of these NSAIDs. Those who want more inputs on 15 mg meloxicam equals how much naproxen must consult with a certified physician.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.
Education: Master’s in Nursing (MSN) from Johns Hopkins University. Experience: 7 years writing for online health portals and nursing journals, specializing in patient education and chronic illness management.