Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are meds which alter movement of calcium ions through channels. Such channels exhibit selective levels of permeability to calcium-ions. By this action, these drugs help reduce blood pressure. These meds are prescribed to people living with hypertension. CCBs tend to manage stiffness of arterial walls. Stiffening of inner membranes is a key cause for hypertension; especially, for an elevation in systolic pressure. Amlodipine is a popular CBB med. But do you know how amlodipine and alcohol interact with each other? It is a good thing to have needful inputs.
Drugs forming part of a genre called antihypertensives prevent the likely onset of cardiac conditions like myocardial infarction (MI), strokes, heart attack or cardiac failure. These medications can also bring down the risks of renal dysfunction including a drop in filtration rates of your kidneys. There are different types of antihypertensive meds. These include ACE inhibiting meds, thiazide-diuretics, Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs), beta blocking meds, angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs), etc.
Of these, CCBs help inhibit the access to calcium ions. This is one of the reasons CCBs are known as
calcium antagonists. In terms of decreasing your pressure levels, these meds are known as efficient as angiotensin II receptor antagonist (ARB) meds. A few types of CCBs tend to reduce blood sugar levels among users. However, more studies are underway to understand this in detail.
In this light, what is amlodipine?
This is a widely administered CCB. It is prescribed for treating spells of hypertension, pain in chest region (known as angina), CAD i.e., coronary artery diseases, etc. The essential ingredients of amlodipine ease the vessels carrying blood. Owing to this, blood moves with relative ease. This means your heart muscles need not work hard to pump blood.
This med is known to have one of the longest half-life periods; its half-life spans ~ 35 – 45 hours. A key advantage of such a stretched half-life is the drug’s ability to remain in your system for long. Amlodipine has the clearance of the food and drug administration (FDA) in the late 1980s. It has the clearance of the federal drug clearing body for treating angina, high levels of blood pressure and a few forms of arterial diseases.
Amlodipine and alcohol
Intake of alcohol tends to have an impact on your heart rate as well as blood pressure levels. It is recommended not to take alcohol while you are using CCBs like amlodipine. Those who drink alcohol on a daily basis are advised to reduce the quantum of intake. In some cases, doctors may advise you to completely stop taking alcohol all through your medication plan.
The odds of developing adverse side effects are high when you take alcohol and amlodipine. Mixing alcohol can reduce the efficacy of drugs like amlodipine. Adverse effects you may encounter include excessive levels of tiredness, being drowsy, faster rate of heartbeat, conditions like nausea, indigestion, etc.
No two individuals are likely to develop the same side effects. How your system responds depends upon quantum of alcohol consumed, time interval between intake of alcohol and amlodipine, strength of amlodipine dosage, etc.
When to seek medical help if you have taken alcohol and amlodipine?
Severe side effects such as faster heartbeats – also called tachycardia, arrhythmia (abnormal beats of heart), hyperglycemia or marked increase in sugar levels, etc., may show up in some instances. It is highly recommended to seek clinical help upon developing one or more of these side effects.
Those living in the US must reach out to the helpdesk run by the FDA or dial 911 on an emergency mode. If you are a resident of a Canadian province, call Health Canada or go to a closest poison management center without further delay. Lastly, if you want to know more about the outcomes of taking amlodipine and alcohol, talk to your doctor before starting your treatment plan.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other dr
Education: Master’s in Clinical Nutrition from Tufts University. Experience: 6 years of experience as a registered dietitian and freelance writer, creating content on nutritional science and weight management for various health websites.