Most bacterial strands are not harmful. However, some microbes can cause infectious conditions. Human immune system is equipped to resist most of the infections bacteria cause. In cases where strands have grown into larger colonies, you may need medical assistance. For example: diseases such as tuberculosis come with a very high burden. Antibiotics are drugs taken for an extended spectrum of infectious conditions. Of these meds, those belonging to penicillin family are commonly administered. Amoxicillin is a medication that falls under aminopenicillin genre. Can you use Amoxicillin 500mg for tooth infection? It is worth your while to have more details.
In the early 1930s, use of penicillin gathered momentum in fighting microbial infections. Ever since then, medical science has discovered several new drugs under the realm of penicillin. As some strands of bacteria can impair tissues and adversely impact your system, stronger drugs are being increasingly used.
In this light, what is amoxicillin?
This is a popular member of the antibiotic family of medications. This medication is categorised as part of the aminopenicillin genre of antibiotics. Treating doctors prescribe it for treating tooth infections, soreness of throat, infections of the inner ears, etc. Oral route is widely taken, but in a few cases, an injection is administered – especially for acute spells of infections.
Amoxicillin was discovered in the second half of 1950s. It was however launched for medical use in the first part of the 1970s. Today, amoxicillin is considered as one of the essential medications by the UN agency for health known as World Health Organization (in short, WHO). This drug has more than 14 million prescriptions each year. Owing to this, it occupies an enviable position among top 50 widely prescribed drugs in US.
How much amoxicillin for tooth infection?
Amoxicillin is known for its properties to bring about a faster cure. This is possible due to its faster rate of absorption. Moreover, this antibiotic med is known to manage gram positive and gram-negative strands of bacteria. Its availability as a generic medication makes it a low cost offering among this class of meds. Usual dosage of amoxicillin is 500 milligrams (mg) offered thrice per day.
Amoxicillin dosage for tooth infection how many days?
This medication plan is offered for 4 – 5 days’ time. In case your tooth infection is of an acute nature, your dentist is more likely to increase the dosage strength.
How long does it take for amoxicillin to work for tooth infection?
The typical treatment plan lasts for a week’s time. In some cases, the dosage plan may last for more than 9 days. If you experience side effects such as discharge of loose stools, feeling nauseated, abdominal discomforts like vomiting, etc., talk to your caregiver immediately.
Pointers for safer consumption of antibiotic drugs such as amoxicillin
It is highly recommended to tell your caregiving team of medications you are presently taking. Intake of drugs such as dabigatran or warfarin can lead to counterproductive effects. It becomes essential to share details about antiplatelet meds or anticoagulants with your caregiver.
A few people who took amoxicillin witnessed infectious conditions triggered by strands like C. difficile. Use of antidiarrheal meds may not bring about needful remedy. If you are down with abdominal infections, seek help from a local healthcare setting like a clinic or a hospital.
In such cases, intake of antidiarrheal meds is of little use; upon experiencing spells of diarrhea, talk to your caregiver quickly. It is a good practice to know more on does amoxicillin treat urinary tract infection by speaking with your treating doctor.
In order to know more about is amoxicillin good for tooth infection, you are advised to talk to your dentist prior to stating your medication plan. As this is not an over-the-counter (i.e., OTC) drug, starting your treatment based on the advice of a certified caregiver becomes an important thing to do.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.
Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from New York University. Experience: 5 years of experience writing for physiotherapy and sports medicine blogs, providing expert insights on injury prevention and rehabilitation.