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amoxicillin tablet for sinus infection

Sinus infections may show up due to many reasons. It can be due to a bacterial attack or can also be a virus. Use of antibiotics is a common practice to treat sinusitis (or sinus infections) triggered by bacteria. However, use of such meds to treat virus-induced sinusitis can be of little / no consequence. In this milieu, amoxicillin – an antibiotic drug – is widely prescribed for the treatment of sinus infections. It is a vital thing to know how often one needs to take this antibacterial drug for the treatment of sinusitis.

Sinus infections can be either chronic or acute. The chronic version of sinus infections persists for a longer timeline; often, you may find it to last for more than 5 months. On the other hand, acute version of sinusitis may show up only for a few weeks. In general, when microbes start progressing in the spaces between bones of your face, such infection is likely to occur. These infections can slowly reach the cheeks, orbits of eyes as well as forehead.

When to use meds for treating sinusitis?

One of the characteristic symptoms of sinus infections is the accumulation of thickened mucus in the cavities found between bones of the face. In many instances, minor spells of sinusitis or sinus infections are likely to disappear without any treatment. In such cases, consumption of antibiotic meds is not needed. Moreover, you run the risk of the germs developing resistance towards antibiotic drugs when taken for such minor episodes of infections.

The US-based nodal academy – called the allergy, asthma and immunological academy observes more than 62% of sinus infections may go away without taking any meds – be it antibiotic or antiviral meds. It is essential to establish the cause of infection; antibiotics are taken only if infections are triggered by bacterial strand(s).

Use of antibiotics for sinus infections

It is essential to consult a qualified medical professional upon developing the typical signs of this infection. Your doctor may advise you to observe incidence of pains near your nasal tract and /or at the upper jaw or mandibular region; it is important to report of blockages in the nasal airways, softening of facial muscles – especially, forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, etc.

If the infection is of bacterial nature, antibiotics such as azithromycin, amoxicillin, etc. are widely used. In some one-off cases of infections, meds like levofloxacin are prescribed. However, adverse effects caused by levofloxacin can be acute and severe. Your caregiving team may prescribe this drug i.e., levofloxacin is offered when other alternatives to cure sinus infections yield limited / no results.

How often must I use amoxicillin for sinus infections?

The frequency and dosage plan of amoxicillin vary with body weight and age. In case of those who weigh above 88 pounds or 40 kgs (i.e., kilograms), typical dose range between 25- mg to 500 mg. This dose is administered once in eight (8) hours. It is also a generally accepted practice to offer upto 850 mg of amoxicillin once every 12 hours.

Antibiotic meds are not over the counter drugs. Hence, their intake needs to be accompanied by a qualified doctor’s prescription. Your treating physician will recommend how often to take this med based on the type of infection, severity of it as well as how fast is it spreading on your facial cavities. The extent of discomforts – such as pains, inflammation or other such conditions – also determines the dosage frequency and the strength of each dose. If sinus infections persist for long – say, more than 2 weeks, seek medical advice / care from a healthcare setting, such as a hospital or clinic without much delay.