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Azithromycin-versus-amoxicillin image -Webp

Infectious conditions are triggered due to excessive growth of bacteria; these conditions are to be treated in a timely treatment manner with needful drugs. Deciding to live with – untreated – can cause near-fatal or fatal results. Meds belonging to a genre called antibiotics – such as azithromycin, amoxicillin, etc. are used for treating such infections. These meds can manage medical problems like throat infections, gastric tract conditions, nasal problems, etc. Azithromycin versus amoxicillin: what are the differences between these meds? It becomes essential to have differences known before commencing treatment.

Infections caused by bacterial strands can take multiple forms. Most of these conditions can be managed through the use of antibacterial drugs called antibiotics; you can procure them either through drugstores or from online pharmacies.

What is azithromycin?

This drug is one of the popular antibacterial meds; it is commonly prescribed to arrest the progression of infections triggered by bacteria. Key chemicals present in azithromycin can stop infectious conditions like reddening of eyes (owing to microbial attack), swelling of inner ear, a few types of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) / infections – to name a few.

Azithromycin is never to be used when there are no underlying microbial infections. Use of these drugs without being infected can lead to bacterial resistance. Needless use of antibiotics can make antibacterial drugs ineffective against microbes.

What is amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin is an antibacterial drug taken for managing conditions such as ear infections, gastric disorders caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), lung infections or related respiratory problems like pneumonia, etc. You can get amoxicillin in many forms viz., pills (orally administered), capsules, chewable tablets, liquid suspension or a syrup.

Amoxicillin may also be used for treating sinusitis – especially spells of rhino sinusitis, skin infections like rashes, swelling and discoloration. Chief ingredients of amoxicillin can get into your blood with relative ease, because they can withstand the harsh effects of stomach acids. Such ease of absorption enhances its absorption into blood.

Azithromycin versus amoxicillin

A key difference between amoxicillin versus azithromycin is: amoxicillin is a penicillin-based antibiotic med while azithromycin belongs to a genre called macrolide antibiotics. In general, treatment plan of azithromycin lasts up to 5 days; however, time span may vary based on type of infections. On the other hand, dosage plan of amoxicillin mostly spans a week’s time; severity of infections determines the period of treatment.

Azithromycin-versus-amoxicillin image - Webp

Another major difference is: amoxicillin has a half-life of less than 2 hours while for half-life of azithromycin is more than 48 hours. Amoxicillin was approved in 1974; azithromycin had needful clearance for use by 1991. Otherwise, both drugs are effective in treating bacterial infections. These two meds are well-tolerated by adults as well as children. As a safety measure, you are advised to tell your doctor about prior allergies prior to taking either of these antibiotics.

Also it is important to note that no two (2) persons with infectious conditions – caused by bacteria – are administered the same doses of the same antibiotic. Your treatment plan varies depending upon how acute is the infection, your body weight, gender, age and existing illnesses, if any.

How to safely use azithromycin?

Users who have developed side effects while taking meds such as doxycycline, (to know more about azithromycin versus doxycycline, it is highly recommended to talk to your treating doctor), erythromycin, etc., the caregiver must have needful updates in this realm. Also, if you have hepatic conditions such as inflammation (a condition called hepatitis), cirrhosis, etc., it is not safe to take azithromycin.

At times, use of azithromycin may cause some very adverse side effects; these include decrease in appetite levels, discoloration of urine, being weak or tired, signs of jaundice (yellowish tint on your eyes or skin), etc. Upon witnessing any of these serious side effects, dial 911 (in the US) or call Health Canada (those living in Canada).


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.