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Caregivers prescribe meds belonging to a family called antibiotics. There are many types of antibiotic meds; of which, macrolides are taken to treat gram-positive bacterial infections. A few examples of such infections include pneumococcal and streptococcal infections. Macrolide antibiotics block synthesis of proteins by paralysing ribosomes of bacteria. Key ingredients erect barriers to peptide exits of ribosomes. Such actions prevent bacteria from multiplying. Azithromycin is a popular macrolide antibiotic. Can you get azithromycin without prescription? It helps to know more.

Macrolide antibiotic meds are commonly prescribed for the treatment of diphtheria (swelling of membranes of your throat), tonsilitis (inflammation of tonsils), rhinosinusitis (sinuses in the paranasal region as well as swelling of nasal cavities), etc. As extended applications, macrolide meds also treat certain types of pneumonia (of the mycoplasma type), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – especially, inflammatory lungs, etc.

What is azithromycin?

Azithromycin is one of the widely used macrolide antibiotic drugs like clarithromycin, erythromycin, fidaxomicin, etc. Food and drug administration (FDA) cleared this drug for use in early 1990s. Similar to other antibiotic meds, azithromycin is known to be effective against select strands of bacteria. Also, this med is not effective in treating viral or fungal infections.

Azithromycin can treat conditions caused by a wide range of bacterial strands of the streptococcal genre. Doctors administer this med for milder forms of lung infections, skin and sinus related infections. It is also prescribed for treating ulcers formed in genitals, inner ear infections, specific types of pneumonia (especially community-triggered variant of this respiratory disease).

Azithromycin without prescription

Antibiotic meds are administered through one of the following approaches viz., topical route, orally administered, intramuscular and intravenous approaches. Of these four routes, a few antibiotic meds administered through topical route are available without prescription i.e., as over the counter drugs. In general, orally consumed drugs (like intramuscular and intravenous meds) are not sold without a prescription from a qualified caregiver.

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In case of azithromycin, it is unsafe to buy it without a prescription. It is hence highly recommended to take this med as per the instructions of your treating physician. With a prescription, you can buy azithromycin online with relative ease from web-based pharmacies. It is a good practice to use this drug for the entire duration of your medication plan. As skipping of doses may make the microbe resistant, take all doses without fail.

Inputs on safe dosing of azithromycin

Azithromycin is sold as a pill (orally administered), liquid suspension, as an injectable as and as eye drops. Its dosage plan varies based on the type of infection, other pre-existing ailments, among a few other factors. In case of community-acquired lung conditions like pneumonia – doses of 250 milligrams (mg) are offered as a single dose for 4 – 5 days.

Dosage of 500 mg is administered in case of moderate levels of bacteria-triggered chronic pulmonary conditions. As part of medication plan to treat sinusitis (caused by a bacterial strand called Streptococcus pneumonia), dosage of azithromycin ranges from 250 – 500 mg for 4 days.

Overuse of antibiotics or using after infections have completely gone away can lead to serious side effects; such usage can lead to microbes showing resistance to antibiotics. Unnecessary use of this med may make bacterial strands to evade its key ingredients. Once resistance is built, intake of azithromycin is unlikely to provide needful remedy.

Common side effects azithromycin may cause are discharge of loose stools or diarrhea, migraine, vomiting, abdominal pain as well as nausea. A few serious effects include rapid heartbeats, faster pulse rates, being dizzy, gasping for breath, traces of blood in your stools, etc. Upon noticing these adverse effects, call 911 (in US) or go to a poison management cell (in Canada). Above all, talk to your caregiving team or pharmacist to obtain additional inputs about azithromycin and how to use it safely.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.