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Berberine-versus-metformin in a webp image

Among the many forms of autoimmune health conditions, type II diabetes is becoming quite a common one. This condition causes a spike in blood sugar levels. It is also marked by lower secretion of an enzyme called insulin, and the risks of your body developing resistance to this enzyme are high. You can detect its incidence through a few symptoms like need to urinate frequently, persistent spells of thirst, drop in weight and staying tired almost always. Drugs such as metformin are widely prescribed to treat this autoimmune disorder. Do you know about berberine versus metformin? It becomes essential to have needful details prior to starting either of these medications.

Type 2 version of diabetes mellitus was formerly called adult-onset-diabetes (in short, AOD). Today, this is only one of the several types of diabetes. This health condition can make you hungry as well as thirsty. It is likely to slow down the rate at which wounds heal. As a result, ulcers or sores may make a longer time to get cured. Those who leave it unchecked run the risk of impairing your heart. Risks such as incidence of retinopathy, strokes, kidney problems loom at large.

If you are leading an inactive lifestyle, it is likely to make you obese / overweight. Obesity is one of risk factors for the incidence of type II form of diabetes mellitus. It is important to know that as high as 85% (perhaps more) of cases of diabetes are of type II form. In other words, type I accounts constitutes less than 10 – 12% of the total cases.

In this light, what is metformin?

Metformin is one of the widely prescribed antidiabetic drugs. It is chiefly taken to treat type II version of diabetes mellitus. It has obtained needful clearances from the med approving authority in the US, food and drug administration (FDA). Key ingredients of metformin decrease the making of glucose and reduces its absorption level. As a result, your body becomes responsive to insulin.

This antidiabetic med is administered along with a few changes to your food habits. Your caregiver is also likely to suggest an exercise plan. You are advised to strictly follow all instructions. With a balanced diet and workouts, you can reduce risks of kidney problems, nerve-related disorders like inflammation and sexual problems like ED.

Berberine versus metformin

Berberine is administered for lowering your glucose levels. The key difference between berberine and metformin is: metformin has the approval of FDA for case management of diabetes while berberine is a supplement. However, berberine is taken as a substitute to metformin. Among these two, berberine is well-tolerated than other drugs.

Berberine has the ability to streamline metabolism of lipids and glucose. In some studies, patients were given similar doses of berberine and metformin. In this ground-breaking study on berberine versus metformin, it was found that both drugs reduce glucose level at a same level. Berberine also leads to drop in triglycerides, a bad form cholesterol.

Berberine-versus-metformin in a webp image

Inputs needed while using antidiabetic meds like metformin

The treating physician will want to understand earlier incidence of kidney problems, presence of a pronounced degree of ketone in your blood or urine, etc. You are also advised to inform your caregiver of using insulin or other diabetic meds. It is considered a good practice to inform your physician about health problems like acidosis – especially of the diabetic ketoacidosis kind. It is harmful to use antidiabetic meds if you are living with one such health problem.

Antidiabetic meds such as metformin must not be given to younger people, especially those aged lower than 10 years. In some cases, younger adults aged less than 18 years should stay away from antidiabetic medications. It is a safe thing to consult with the caregiver to know of berberine versus metformin in detail.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.