Drop in number of red blood cells cause anemia. Moreover, tests done on blood samples show a low level of hemoglobin; it is an essential blood-based protein. It is responsible to carrying oxygen and delivering it all parts of the body. Deprivation of oxygen can cause discomforts like tiredness or gasping. Anemia is a common health risk among many people. In US, more than 5% of its population is affected by it. Can anemia cause high blood pressure? It helps to have additional inputs on this.
Women are more vulnerable to anemia. This is because of loss of blood during menstrual periods. An added reason is the need for higher demand for blood when they are pregnant. Elderly people are at an added risk because of chronic clinical problems or due to renal dysfunction. The good thing is anemia can be cured with relative ease. Your caregiver is likely to prescribe a few supplements and medications.
The typical symptoms of anemia are mild, and hence it is difficult to take note of them. Also, the underlying causes influence the type of signs. Common among signs of anemia are: erratic heartbeats, respiratory problems, being weak, fatigue, etc. At times, your skin turns pale or your may feel a cold sensation on your fingers. A few acute signs of anemia are ulcers in mouth, drop in libido, brittle finger-nails, etc.
Can anemia cause high blood pressure?
There is no apparent link between anemia and high blood pressure. But – in an indirect manner – anemia is likely to cause an increase in blood pressure level. This is mainly due to possible narrowing of blood vessels when you are living with acute levels of anemia. Once your arteries are constricted, your system gets lesser level of oxygen. This may lead to an episode of hypertension.
Owing to the above possibility, the level of hemoglobin is closely monitored among those living with periodic spikes in blood pressure levels. As an added risk, systolic pressure tends to reach a higher level – especially during night hours. Researchers are however studying the association between high blood pressure and anemia.
In general, anemia is diagnosed through a blood count test. This test shows the count of hemoglobin, red cells, white cells and platelets. Your caregiver will also seek inputs on your family’s clinical history and on your own medical track record.
Your dietitian will recommend a diet plan rich with iron. Foods with sizable iron content are egg, meat, nuts, beans and a few types of seafood. In some cases, your treating doctor may recommend ferrous sulfate either as pills or as a liquid suspension. Supplements of iron must never be taken with caffeine-based drinks or with calcium-fortified foods.
On the other hand, intake of vitamin C-based foods / drinks can help enhance the rate of absorption. In this light, it is a good practice to have a glass of citric fruit juices (fruits such as lemon or orange) to boost absorption potential.
It is highly recommended to inform your caregiving team of your daily dietary habits. It is equally a vital thing to share inputs about treatment plans you are currently pursuing. As a safety measure, share details about meds you presently use – including OTC drugs, prescription medications, herbal meds, dietary supplements or mineral-enriched foods, etc. Also, never change dosages of any of these meds without telling your caregiver.
Women who experience sizable level of blood loss during their menstrual cycles, children who are of low body weight as well as vegetarians are at higher risk of developing anemia. Last but not least, people who donate blood frequently stand a greater chance of turning anemic. Such habitual donors may need to take an iron-rich diet to stop loss of hemoglobin or iron. Above all, to know about can anemia cause high blood pressure, it is advised to talk to your doctor.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.
Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from New York University. Experience: 5 years of experience writing for physiotherapy and sports medicine blogs, providing expert insights on injury prevention and rehabilitation.