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Can-bruises-cause-blood-clots in a wepb image

Bruises are essentially skin discolorations. These may show up when small-sized vessels known as capillaries are injured. Injuries or bursting of capillaries tend to trap the flow of blood underneath your skin. Bruises can occur at any part of your system. Mostly they are painless. But, some can cause moderate levels of pain at the affected area. You can detect a bruised part by observing the color of skin. But, can bruises cause blood clots? It is useful to have more details on this.

Bruises and blood clots are known to affect vessels carrying blood. Bruises shows up as marks on your skin; these tend to go off on their own with the passage of time. Blood clots occur deeper. They form inside the tissue or inside your vessels.

Bruises are formed when you have an accident or any traumatic condition. These are more likely to occur when a capillary (smaller vessel) bursts. Blood coming out of the puncture gets blocked underneath your skin. It soon changes black or blue as there is limited supply of oxygen in the affected area.

On the other hand, clots form when you encounter a damage. Your system builds up platelet counts to stop excessive levels of bleeding. Smaller clots are not a bog concern. However, larger clots can be cause of concern. Though clotting of blood and bruising may have similar signs, clots can lead to more adverse effects.

So, how to detect a bruise?

You may notice a reddish spot on the skin. But, over a period of a few hours, the area may turn purple. Once the affected part gets better, the color changes to a lighter tone. Once the bruise has fully healed, there are no perceptible changes on the skin. Of course, bruises can be painful especially when you touch the damaged part. Once the healing starts, pain tends to become less.

How to detect a blood clot?

There is no characteristic sign to detect a clot. This is mainly because the symptoms may change depending on the affected site. The key thing is blood clots form way too deep inside your body. Clots occurring inside arteries can block sufficient supply of oxygen to the cells in the damaged site.

The risk factors of blood clots include incidence of heart arrest, stroke, pulmonary embolism, ischemic heart diseases, deep vein thrombosis (also known as DVT). Upon sensing an unbearable level of pain in an organ, you are advised to seek medical assistance from a qualified caregiver. As blood clots may occur due to many conditions, a careful diagnosis is essential.

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In this milieu, what are blood thinners?

Blood thinning meds are administered for possessing anticoagulant capabilities. These meds help avoid blood from clotting. Essential substances in these meds prolong the duration of clotting. As clots can block free supply of blood through arteries, it becomes important to take needful medications. If you are leaving a blood clot untreated, it can soon trigger acute conditions such as thrombosis.

Moreover, blood clots are more likely to cause strokes and other near fatal effects. Treatment needs to be offered on a priority mode to prevent fatal outcomes. One of the widely used anticoagulant substance is known as coumarin. This is naturally available in many plants. You also need to know that warfarin is a popular coumarin-based anticoagulant drug. It however needs more than 60 – 65 hours to present its anti-clogging properties.

Lastly, if you have prior hypersensitivity to blood thinning meds, you are advised to tell your doctor of such allergies. In some cases, users of anticoagulant meds can cause breathing troubles, swelling of facial parts, loss of consciousness or skin problems like hives. If you develop one or more of these effects, seek medical help immediately. Above all, in order to know if bruises cause blood clots, talk to a certified medical practitioner or pharmacist.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.