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Gastric problems can be quite annoying. Conditions such as vomiting, pain in the abdomen, or nausea can be due to delayed emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. In clinical terms, this condition is known as gastroparesis. This may occur when you have undergone an abdominal/gastric surgery or due to the onset of diabetes. In such cases, you are likely to encounter the fullness of the tummy – especially, before completing a meal, bloating, etc. Drugs such as domperidone are used to treat these conditions. But, can this drug be used along with pantoprazole? It is a wise thing to know more about this prior to starting your dosage plan.

Domperidone is used for enabling bowel movements or to facilitate contractions of your tummy. It is also used for treating the side effects of meds taken to treat Parkinson’s disease. Domperidone is always taken under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner. The drug has an extended use – it is prescribed to women who are breastfeeding or nursing their newly born infant; key chemicals of this med can help mothers to enhance the production of breastmilk.

Safe use of domperidone

The drug is also used for treating nausea as well as spells of vomiting. Owing to its wider use for treating nausea, it is commonly referred to as a nausea-med. You are advised to take the doses as per the dosage plan administered by your caregiving team. If you are living with gastric motility issues (i.e., problems associated with movement of food, the dosage is maintained at 5 to 10 milligrams (mg) per day. The common dose is delivered up to 3 times within a 24-hour timeline. In case of vomiting, nausea, or other similar abdominal conditions, the average dosage is 15 to 20 mg each day. This dose is delivered up to four times per day. In the case of nursing mothers, who have an insufficient supply of breastmilk, the average dose is 10 mg/dose; the typical dosage plan is once every 7 to 8 hours.

How does domperidone work?

This drug works by inhibiting signals between your brain and the gastric system. As an extended use, it also prevents signals that can make you fall ill. The key ingredients of this drug relax the muscles present at the exit side of your tummy; the active chemicals also tighten the entry-level muscles of your tummy. In the case of nursing mothers, the active ingredients of domperidone activate hormones known as prolactin; you need to know that this hormone plays a vital role in boosting the production of mother’s milk.

Risks associated with the intake of domperidone

This drug is yet to get needful approval due to some inherent risks. For example, intake of domperidone is associated with the incidence of erratic heartbeats. In some rare cases, a few users have experienced a sudden collapse of cardiac muscles. Owing to such risks, the drug is yet to have needful clearances from the food and drug administration (FDA). But, for adults (aged 18 years or more) – especially, those living with acute gastric ailments, this drug may be used. Such users are advised to take it through the investigational new drug application route to the FDA. In such instances, the use is recommended only when all other forms of treatments have yielded no / little use.

What is pantoprazole?

Pantoprazole belongs to a genre of meds known as proton pump inhibitors. It works by reducing the acid levels in your tummy. Thus, it can prevent ulcers or internal bleeding caused by the rupture of the gastric lining. This med is administered through the oral route. Doses vary based on the severity of your medical condition, and body weight, and also based on the onset of prior clinical conditions. The treatment plan is often continued till heartburn or other discomforts stop showing up. Pantoprazole is unlikely to trigger acute side effects or serious reactions. However, a small share of users experienced discomforts such as rashes, signs of a possible kidney problem, etc. In some one-off cases, a bacterial imbalance may show up; a microbial strand known as C. difficile may cause indigestion as diarrhea. In those conditions, it is recommended to take antidiarrheal meds.

Co-administration of domperidone and pantoprazole

A combination of these drugs is used for treating ulcers (especially, peptic ulcers) as well as conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); also known as acid reflux or heartburn. These two drugs may help with the motility of foods as well as reduce acid levels in the gastric region. Owing to this, you are likely to witness relief from gastrointestinal conditions; mainly those showing up in the top part of the digestive system.

Your treating doctor may inform you about the potential side effects/discomforts of this combinatorial med. A few side effects are likely to show up; these are acute spells of dizziness, feeling drowsy, bloating or formation of gas, pain in joints as well as brief episodes of nausea. These discomforts are likely to go away once your body gets used to the key chemicals. But, if the discomforts persist for long, it is strongly recommended to seek needful input from your treating physician.

You are advised to take this combination of drugs at least 60 minutes prior to a meal. The best time to have it is in the morning time. You may be advised to take these drugs for at least 10 – 12 days; the signs of discomfort are likely to subside by then. But, if you see the signs persist, it is important to talk to your caregiver without much delay.

In sum, co-administration of domperidone along with pantoprazole is done for the treatment of peptic / gastric ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and heartburn. These drugs decrease acids in the tummy and also enable better movement of food inside your gastric tract. Adverse reactions such as drowsiness, formation of gas, flatulence, and pain in joints are quite common. If one or more of these side effects/discomforts is persisting, talk to your caregiving team in an emergency mode.