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Can-I-take-levothyroxine-at-night in a webp image

Thyroid gland plays a key role in streamlining your metabolism. This gland makes two hormones namely triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Both these draw needful level of iodine from foods you consume. An inadequate supply of iodine leads to reduction in T3 as well as T4 production. These in turn result in the enlargement of thyroid gland; in medical terms, this is known as goitre. Meds are available for treating deficiency of hormones made by thyroid gland. Of such meds, levothyroxine is widely used by caregivers. But, can you take levothyroxine at night? It is useful to know more.

Deficiency of thyroid hormone is an endocrinal disorder. This is known as hypothyroidism. It results when your gland is not making adequate amount of T3 and T4 hormones. This disorder can show up through multiple signs namely – being tired, sudden increase in body weight, difficulties to pass stools, slowing down of heartbeats, muscular pains, etc. In some people, hypothyroidism can cause mood-related problems like depression and / or anxieties.

Consuming inadequate amount of iodine is a leading cause for hypothyroidism. All over the globe, more than 1-billion persons live with deficient iodine-level. But, how many live with hypothyroidism is not evident. In general, hypothyroidism is common in adult-females than males; especially, those aged above 60 years.

What is levothyroxine?

This medication is a man-made / lab-made version of thyroxine – a key thyroid-based hormone. This drug is used for treating deficiency of thyroid hormones. As an extended use, levothyroxine is also used for the treatment of a few types of thyroid-based cancers. You can get it either as a pill or as an injection.

Levothyroxine was launched in late-1920s. Today, it fares among top 10 drugs – each year, the number of prescriptions has reached 85-million mark. It is available as a generic offering. This means, you can purchase it at markedly lower prices.

Can I take levothyroxine at night?

Doses of levothyroxine varies based on your age, endocrinal condition as well as weight. You are advised to take it on empty tummy; it is a good practice to take it 30 – 60 minutes prior to a meal. It is likely your doctor will tell you to take it 45-minutes ahead of your breakfast every day of the dosage plan.

So, can I take levothyroxine at night – yes, you may take this drug at night times. But you will need to ensure that you are taking it when your stomach is empty. This is mainly because this drug is best absorbed when it is taken before a meal. Moreover, with food in your tummy, rate of absorption is reduced sizably. In order to obtain better results, take this drug at same timeslots every day, throughout your treatment.

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Safety measures associated with the intake of levothyroxine

If you are older than 49 years of age and had prior spells of cardiac disorders, dosage levels of levothyroxine need to be moderated. This is mainly due to likely increase in demand for oxygen; as a result, you may witness an abnormal rate of heartbeat, palpitations, episodes of excessive sweating, etc.

Those living with diabetes must check your blood sugar level. This is due to likely increase in blood sugars. Inform your treating physician of symptoms such as sweating profusely, tremors, urge to urinate more often, etc. Women who are pregnant can take this med. However, it is a safe thing to talk to your caregiver of your pregnancy before starting medication plans.

Women who are breastfeeding infants need to make doctors aware of nursing responsibilities. Though key ingredients are likely to enter mother’s milk, they may not harm babies. It is however a good practice to tell your caregiver about breastfeeding prior to commencing treatment. Lastly, talk to your caregiver about can I take levothyroxine at night to have more details.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.