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Tylenol with meloxicam image

Drugs that fall under a category called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) help in the treatment of multiple forms of pain. Pains these meds treat include headache, toothache, muscular cramps as well as joint pains caused by autoimmune disorders. NSAIDs can also be taken for the treatment of symptoms of infectious conditions like fever, discomforts triggered by common cold, flu, etc. In this light, can you take NSAIDs like Tylenol or aleve along with meloxicam? It is a key thing to have more inputs before commencing your treatment.

Meds belonging to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs i.e., NSAIDs work by inhibiting the actions of COX enzymes – especially, COX-1 and COX-2. You need to know, COX-1 is associated with the inner layers of the gastric tract and COX-2 is linked to sending inputs about pain. Consumption of NSAIDs can relieve you of discomforts of multiple kinds.

What is meloxicam?

Meloxicam is one unique form of NSAID; its use is mostly restricted for case management of painful joints – mainly pains triggered by autoimmune disorders like arthritis. It is taken orally and is widely available as a tablet. Dosage strength can vary from 7.5 mg to 10 mg (mg = milligrams). It is also available / sold as a liquid variant. The typical strength hovers at 7.5 milligrams per 5 mL.

The standard dose – of the tablet form – is 7.5 mg. This may increase based on severity of pain, other clinical disorder, if any and a few factors such as your age, body weight, etc. Your liver plays a key role in processing the active substances this drug is made of; your kidneys discharge the drug’s remnants.

What is Tylenol and aleve?

Tylenol (its generic version is called acetaminophen) works on how your system produces prostaglandin, a chemical made while experiencing discomforts like migraine, painful joints, other muscular pains, etc. Tylenol i.e., acetaminophen also works on COX, yet is not called an NSAID like aspirin, ibuprofen and / or naproxen.

Aleve is an NSAID, a branded variant of a generic called naproxen. This drug is known for its long acting capability i.e., compared to a few other types of NSAIDs. Due to such action, aleve may trigger adverse effects on your gastric tract.

Can I take Tylenol or aleve with meloxicam?

Aleve and meloxicam belong to a similar class of meds called NSAIDs. These two are made of an active chemical called naproxen. It is not recommended to take two forms of naproxen together. But, Tylenol is added along with aleve or meloxicam – this is because acetaminophen (when added with NSAID) can treat acute episodes of pains.

Intake of two NSAIDs – such as aleve and meloxicam – can lead to gastric conditions such as flatulence, formation of gas, discharge of watery stool, vomiting and /or nausea. In some cases, the aforesaid combination can cause bruises or internal bleeding in your stomach. Excessive intake of NSAIDs may also cause renal problems and may alter the flow of blood to your kidneys. If left untreated, you may witness larger retention rate of sodium and a higher share of potassium.

Those who witness adverse effects like acid reflux i.e., GERD are recommended to meet with your caregiver without delay. If you living in US, reach out to 911 or call the helpdesk of FDA quickly. Those who live in a Canadian province must contact Health Canada or visit a poison control cell immediately.