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SARS Cov-2 viral strand is a virus that causes COVID – 19. As this is a virus, drugs belonging to the genre called antibiotics are not used for infections it causes. Antibacterial meds are widely used for stopping the growth of bacteria; these drugs are known to kill bacterial strands and thus stop further progression. In general, COVID 19 virus is treated by the administration of antiviral meds. These meds slow down the growth of viral infections. In this light, are there any antibiotics that can kill COVID 19? It becomes essential to know more in this regard.

COVID 19 is coronavirus-triggered severe-acute respiratory syndrome (also known as SARS). Its first incidence was detected in China. Once diagnosed in 2019, it spread to many parts of the world and became a pandemic. Its signs are distinct in nature – common among them include loss of sense of taste, being excessively tired, breathing problems like wheezing or panting for breath.

Coronavirus afflicts those who live in close proximity to those who are already down with it. The viral strand is known to spread via air. People who inhale contaminated air or upon being exposed to infected droplets carry great risk of being affected. Treatment of this infectious condition requires social-distancing (being isolated from others), administration of drugs, taking needful rest, etc.

What are the antibiotics than can kill COVID–19?

During the start of COVID 19, a few macrolide-based antibiotic meds were tested through trials. Of such drugs, a medication called azithromycin was considered to have a few therapeutic properties. Though this drug belongs to the antibacterial genre, trials were conducted owing to its antiviral capabilities. For instance, the national institutes of health – in short, NIH – advises against the use of antibacterial meds (such as doxycycline, azithromycin, etc.) onto patients of COVID 19; especially to those who are not hospitalised in response to the pandemic.

What is secondary infection caused by bacteria?

However, a minor part of this infection is due to pneumonia triggered by a viral attack. Medical research indicates that a sizable number of cases may develop infections caused by bacteria when they are down with virus-induced pneumonia. In clinical terms, incidence of bacteria-caused infection over and above a viral attack is labelled as secondary-level bacterial infections.

If you are diagnosed with a secondary-level bacterial infection, you may be advised to take a few antibiotics. But, when there is no bacteria-led infection, administration of antibacterial meds may be of little or no use.

In the event of a secondary-level bacterial attack, your caregiver may prescribe a few anti-bacterial meds. These include meds like cephalosporins, penicillin, glycopeptides, etc. In some instances, a combination of two unique antibacterial meds is prescribed.

Symptoms of COVID may start showing up in two weeks’ time from the date of exposure. However, in nearly 30% of cases, signs did not show up. Also, in people who experienced the symptoms – nearly 3/4th of them experienced only moderate-level symptoms. On the other hand, only 12.5% of people developed severe signs such as breathing conditions like gasping and wheezing. Among a very minor share of cases, failure of essential organs was observed.

In sum, antibacterial medications or antibiotics are never used for killing SARS CoV 2 viruses that are responsible for the onset of COVID 19. This is mainly because antibiotics’ inability to treat viral infections. But, if you are also down with a bacterial attack i.e., on top of a virus-led infections like COVID 19, your treating physician is more likely to administer an antibiotic.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.