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Eye conditions need timely treatment; delay in medical treatment may lead to an irreparable damage to eyes and eyesight. One such condition is cystoid macular edema. Macula is a central region of your retina which enables better vision. An inflammation of this macular part is known to blur your eyesight over a period of time. This is more likely to occur among those who underwent an ophthalmic surgery. Moreover, those living with conditions such as vascular disorders and / or retinopathy may also get this ocular condition. Can I use dorzolamide for treating this eye condition? It is essential to know more.

Retina is an important part of your eye; it houses nerves that send light signals to your brain. Macular part is seen at the mid of your retinal region, which is essential to capture sharper images. Thus, macula contributes to your ability to see finer aspects of objects. But, in some instances, this ocular region may witness an inflammation, mainly due to accumulation of ocular fluids. Such fluids – upon an excessive build-up – may cause a cyst-type formation. This condition is labelled as cystoid macular edema.

This eye condition may arise due to many risk factors; key among them include undergoing a cataract surgery, retina getting blocked by veins, eye injuries, etc. It is more likely to show up among elderly people due to degeneration of retina. Apart from these, conditions such as diabetes, retinitis as well as uveitis may trigger cystoid macular edema. Typical signs of this condition include altered vision that varies from one eye to another, emergence of wavy forms while seeing things, dulling of hues / shades or objects may appear faded. Absence of symptoms may make it difficult to diagnose in a timely manner. Those who have this condition in one of their eyes may easily overlook this condition. In some one-off cases, it is possible to experience a mild blurring of eyesight. However, if it is an acute condition, risks of losing central vision are quite high.

What is
dorzolamide and can you use it for treating cystoid macular edema?
Dorzolamide is widely administered for treat reducing inner eye pressure. One of the main functions this med does is to streamline fluids of the inner eye. Keeping inner eye fluids and ocular pressure at optimal levels helps avoid full or partial blindness. Dorzolamide belongs to a genre of meds known as carbonic anhydrase inhibiting drugs. Studies reveal that topical use of this eye drop helps reduce thickness of retina to a significant level. In such studies, this med was administered for treating cystoid macular edema for more than 30 days. However, in some users, a relapse of the eye condition was observed upon persistent use of this ophthalmic med.

Side effects of this eye drop

Dorzolamide is likely to cause some unintended side effects. Common among undesired discomforts it causes are blurred eyesight (only for a short term though), episodes of headache, plentiful production of tears, turning sensitive to light, reddened eyes, etc. Most of these discomforts may not persist for long; once your system gets used to active ingredients of dorzolamide, these side effects cease to show up. However, if you are noticing these effects to last longer, seek medical help on an emergency basis.

Persistent use of dorzolamide may lead to a few adverse side effects. Some of these severe reactions include spread of a yellowish color inside eyes, inflammation of eyes, pain in eye(s) and initial signs of infections like soreness of throat, runny nose or increase in body temperature.

Likely allergies of using dorzolamide

In general, this dorzolamide is considered a safe drug and is unlikely to trigger major allergic reactions. But, among a small percentage of users, allergies such as dizziness, being drowsy, respiratory problems like gasping or wheezing; skin related side effects including itchiness, discoloration of skin or rashes have been witnessed. You are advised to call 911 or any of the emergency helpline numbers of the FDA for needful medical support. If you are resident of a Canadian territory, rush to a poison control unit; as an alternative, call Health Canada on an urgent basis for clinical support.

Precautions associated with the continued use of these eye drops

You are advised to tell your eye doctor i.e., ophthalmologist of your medical condition as well as drugs that you are currently taking. If you are nursing an infant, you may need to talk to your caregiving team about it. As the key ingredients of this eye drop may enter breastmilk, it is not completely safe for breastfeeding mothers to use dorzolamide. Feeding mothers, when they used this drug while nursing a baby are likely to see their infants cry frequently, develop feeding problems and other sleep related disorders. Talk to your physician of these symptoms and seek safer alternatives to treat cystoid macular edema or other such retinal conditions.

On a related note, women who are already pregnant are advised to consult with their ophthalmologist about their medical condition. Those who are planning to get pregnant may be advised to use a non-hormonal contraceptive while using this eye drop. You may choose an apt birth control measure from a wide range of contraceptives like vaginal rings, patches used on skin, etc.

How to safely use dorzolamide eye drops for treating cystoid macular edema?

It becomes essential to learn how to administer this ophthalmic med. Slant your head to your back and then look upward. Slowly pull the lower eyelid down for making a small gap below. Now, make a drop of dorzolamide to fall into this gap. Stay in eyes-closed position for upto 2 minutes. Never blink or use your eyes; these make the eye drop to be flushed out. For more details about how to safely use this med, talk to an eye specialist and / or a pharmacist.

In sum, dorzolamide forms part of a family of drugs called carbonic anhydrase inhibiting medications. It is used topically for treating cystoid macular edema. Dosages are prescribed for not more than 4 to 5 weeks. Clinical research shows that the key chemicals can reduce the thickness of your retina and thus provide relief from edema by flushing fluids and thus regulating inner eye pressure level. Beware of a possible relapse if you are using this ophthalmic drug for a fairly longer period of time. Consult with your caregiver for more details about this ophthalmic solution.