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COVID is a short form for coronavirus induced severe acute respiration syndrome (SARS). The first strand of this viral condition was diagnosed in Wuhan, China in 2019. It soon spread all over the globe, to become the pandemic situation called COVID-19. The signs are often quite distinct; common ones are loss of taste and smell, tiredness, respiratory conditions such as panting, wheezing or gasping. Can you use ivermectin for treating COVID? It is a vital thing to know more on this.

The signs of COVID-19 may start developing within 2 weeks from the time of exposure. But, in as high as 30% (or perhaps more) number of people who were down with COVID-19, the signs seldom showed up. On the other hand, among those who did experience the typical signs – more than 75% of people developed moderate signs. But, nearly 13% of them did have acute signs like respiratory disorders as well as shock. In a small percentage of people, failure of multiple organs was noticed.

The coronavirus can afflict people who live in proximity; it spreads through tiny particles through air. Those who breathe droplets that are contaminated or if their nasal parts, eyes or oral organs come in contact with such droplets run high risks of being infected. Case management of this viral condition involves isolation (social distancing), clinical care, intake of medications and other related measures.

What is ivermectin?

This is an anti-parasitical med, administered for the treatment of infections caused by roundworms. It is widely used in treating such infections with people living with low level of immunity. Ivermectin is categorized under a class of drugs known as anti-helmintic meds. The key ingredients of this med deactivate parasites such as worms, to eventually kill them.

It is administered orally and is swallowed with 6 to 7 ounces of water. This drug is taken on an empty tummy, at least 60 minutes prior to your meal. No two persons with roundworm infections are treated with the same dosage plan. Your medication plan depends on your body weight, age, and how severe are the worm infections as well as how well this drug treats your medical condition. The last item above can be inferred through how the first few doses act on your system.

Intake of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19

This anti-parasitical med is not used as part of medication plans to treat COVID-19. Its use is not authorised for both animals and humans. In fact, the US-based federal drug authorising agency – the food and drug administration (FDA) has not cleared the use of ivermectin for COVID-19. The drug is strictly used for treating parasitical infections such as worm-based problems, head lice as well as skin problems like rosacea.

Data – based on clinical studies – indicate that ivermectin is not effective for treating respiratory conditions caused by coronavirus. It is approved for the use of worm-infections such as onchocerciasis and strongyloidiasis; both are triggered by the infections of parasitical worms. As an extended use, ivermectin is also used for treating parasitical attacks on animals – especially, those triggered by heart worms.

Rumours are spreading fast on the properties of ivermectin to cure coronavirus-induced symptoms like shortness of breath, inadequate presence of oxygen in blood, etc. These are not facts and only based on falsified reports. You may also need to be careful while taking this drug in more than prescribed levels. An excessive dosage may cause adverse symptoms like a sudden / explicable decrease in blood pressure (i.e., hypotension), skin conditions like rashes / hives, being dizzy, convulsions, etc. In some stray cases, near-fatal conditions like coma are reported. Those who are consuming blood thinning meds are at added risk.

In sum, ivermectin is not used for the treatment of COVID-19. Its use is approved for roundworm-triggered infectious conditions. You are advised to talk to your treating physician / pharmacist prior to starting your dosage plan. It is safe practice to strictly adhere to the dosage plan prescribed by your caregiver. Intake of excessive doses can lead to severe side effects.