Sexually transmitted infectious (STIs) conditions are of several kind. Of such conditions, a few may show up without displaying any signs. Chlamydia is one of the STIs. You may get this infection while you are engaging in sexual intercourse without any protection. Those who use protective barriers like say, condom or diaphragms, tend to face lesser level of risks. In various instances, its onset is observed when there is a genital-to-genital contact as well as performance of anal sex. In this light, can penicillin treat chlamydia? It is worth your while to know more.
Unprotected sexual acts are a main reason for the incidence of different forms of sexually transmitted infections i.e., STIs. If your sexual partner is already infected, the risks tend to get higher. Salient examples of STIs are chlamydia and gonorrhea. You can get any of these conditions if you are performing sexual act(s) without taking needful protective measures. You can consult a qualified medical practitioner to know more about protective techniques such as dams, condoms, diaphragms, rings, etc.
So, what is chlamydia?
This is one of the sexually transmitted infections. Its incidence does not show up through any typical signs or characteristic symptoms. Engaging in sexual act without a condom, or engaging oral sex without the use of dams, bodily contact with genitals of an infected person, etc. can trigger chlamydia.
In some newly-born babies this STI can show up if their mothers stand infected by chlamydia. The discouraging fact is – its onset remains silent. In some remote instances, some have experienced a few symptoms like a sense of irritation when you are urinating, a weird discharge from the penis or vagina.
Among several men, chlamydia has indicated its onset by an acute pain in the testicle(s), discomforts felt on the floor of the pelvic region, secretion of yellowish or a green liquid from penis, etc. In a few women, some telling symptoms can be inferred but at a later stage of its onset. These symptoms are dyspareunia (pain while engaging in a sexual act), inflammation of the cervical region, abnormal spells of bleed during times of periods, urinary infections and pain while urination.
Upon experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you are advised to get clinical support on an emergency mode.
Can penicillin treat chlamydia?
Penicillin is not administered for treating chlamydia. Antibiotics that are used for treating this STI are azithromycin, levofloxacin, doxycycline, erythromycin, etc. One of the antibiotics of the penicillin genre – known as amoxicillin – is prescribed for treating chlamydia among women who are pregnant. This drug is only used as a substitute for azithromycin; especially, when pregnant women have any allergies to the active chemicals of azithromycin.
Azithromycin is one of the widely used antibiotics to arrest bacterial progression and further spread of infections like STIs. Apart from STIs like chlamydia, its key chemicals can treat infections like inner ear infections, eye-related infectious conditions, etc. A single dosage of azithromycin – administered at 1 milligram – is commonly prescribed to treat chlamydia. Once you have a dosage, it is highly recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least a week. Your caregiver may recommend regular follow-up calls for 10 to 15 days from the time of the dose. These follow-ups are needed for assessing your progress and to know if the dose has yielded needful outcomes.
However, prior to using antibiotics for treating STIs such as chlamydia, it is an important thing to inform your doctor of earlier hypersensitivity or spells of allergic reactions, if any. If you have experienced undesired outcomes when you took clarithromycin, telithromycin, erythromycin, etc. your caregiving team needs to have all necessary information about discomforts you faced.
Moreover, if you are living with liver-based disorders like inflammation of liver or hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver, etc, it is a safe practice not to take antibiotics.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.
Education: Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from the University of Florida. Experience: 5 years as a pharmacist and medical writer, creating content on medication management and pharmaceutical news for healthcare blogs and patient education sites.