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An insufficient supply of thyroid may trigger a few medical conditions. A shortfall in the production of the hormone is termed hypothyroidism. A lower-than-usual making of the hormone can lead to dangerous outcomes affecting your brain health, wellbeing of muscles, cardiac function and your `But, can you die if you stop taking levothyroxine? It is quite an important thing to know more of this.

Glands such as thyroid regulate the use of energy your body makes off foods you eat. Thyroid hormone influences the burning of calories and also streamlines metabolism / breaking down of food into energy. Clinical research done on the hormone indicate its role in regulating in the temperature levels of your body. The thyroid gland is situated on the front of your lower neck region. Owing to its location, hormone this gland makes gets into your blood almost directly.

As metabolic rate has a bearing on needful availability of thyroid, it impacts your energy level. In a few people, malfunctioning of this gland can result in an inadequate production of this hormone. As a net outcome, rate of metabolism drops down, and this causes a few medical conditions.

What is levothyroxine?

This drug is a popular med, used for treatment of hypothyroidism or a suboptimal availability of thyroid. Essential ingredients of this med work as replacements to insufficiency of thyroid. This med – as an extended application, is used for the case management of thyroid related cancer.

Your doctor will tell you to consume this drug through the oral route. It is often taken as a single dosage per day. The ideal timeslot to take it is 60 minutes prior to your first morning meal. This drug is available as a syrup or a suspended form as well. Liquid version of levothyroxine needs to be taken by measuring it with a spoon offered in the pack. If you measure doses with a ladle or spoon, you run the risk of witnessing an overdosed condition.

Can you die if you stop taking levothyroxine?

Foremost of all, levothyroxine is not consumed for a lifetime. But, stopping the intake of this med may cause relapse of a few of the typical signs of hypothyroidism. These are excessive level of tiredness, sudden increase in body weight, dryness of skin, thinning down of hair, difficulties in withstanding coldness of climate, etc. You are advised not to discontinue this med without the consent of your treating doctor.

Another critical fact is altering the version of levothyroxine (for example, changing from pill or syrup or switching to another formulation) can influence the level of its absorption. As a result, you may witness a marked change in your thyroid level. In order to have good results, ensure to take the same drug in the same version all through your dosage plan.

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Signs of hypothyroidism and pointers for safe use of levothyroxine

Among infants, in some remote cases, hypothyroidism may show up. The symptoms are difficult to infer. These may include slower growth rate, being excessively sleepy, feeding-related troubles, etc. On noticing any of these signs, it is highly recommended to consult with a qualified child’s doctor as soon as you possibly can.

In case adults, key signs of a thyroid condition are frequent spells of constipation, erratic periods, a spike in blood cholesterol level, loss of hair, drying of hair, etc. In some people, hypothyroidism can lead to memory lapses, painful joints, inflammation of gland (also called goiter), swelling of face / puffing up of cheeks and nose.

In this light, levothyroxine is not to be used through self-medication or as an over the counter (OTC) medication. It is always administered as per the instructions of a qualified healthcare professional.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.