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Many people remove the rind of mangos and eat the flesh. But some say that its skin is blessed with great nutritional values. So, must one eat the skin of mango or not?

Mangos are consumed in the tropical region and are known for their health benefits. The benefits to your health include abundance of minerals such as copper, potassium along with presence of vitamins such as A, B (especially B6), C and E. The fruit is also high on antioxidants.

But, what does the mango’s skin contain?

Skin of mango is green in color before the fruit ripens. Once it ripens, the skin turns into red or yellow. The color of the fruit’s skin depends on the type of mango and the region where it is cultivated. Similar to the flesh of mango, the skin also offers abundant health benefits.

These include compounds such as carotenoid, polyphenol, etc. Mango’s skin also has fiber and vitamins such as C and E. Its skin has excessive amounts of fiber in it. It may be a surprise to know that almost 60% of the mango’s rind is made of dietary fiber. Fibrous foods can help boost your digestion as well as stimulate your appetite.
These health benefits derived from mango’s skin play an instrumental role in averting cognitive disorders as well as cardiac problems. The benefits also include prevention of cancer, owing to its cancer fighting properties.
Not stopping with the above, the skin is also endowed with substances such as triterpenoid and triterpene; compounds that play a pivotal role in fighting diabetes and cancer.

What are the risks associated with eating mango skin?

Most fruits are exposed to strong pesticides to keep pests – such as insects as well as microbes – at bay. When you peel off the rind of mangos, you are limiting the risks of consuming such pesticides. Clinical studies point out, consuming pesticides can trigger a few types of cancer as well as give way to hormonal problems, widely categorized as endocrinal disorders. In some instances, such pesticides have also led to reproductive disorders.

The skin of mango contains a few substances found in poison oak as well as poison ivy. These substances – most common item being urushiol – can cause allergic reactions. Those who have hypersensitivity to urushiol are found to develop adverse reactions upon eating mango’s rind. The common allergies are inflammation and itchiness.

These allergies and problems are often associated to regular intake of skin of mangos. You are advised that such risks are not so pronounced if you eat a small serving of mango’s skin.


Taste of mango’s skin

The skin of mango is relatively thick and is hence not very edible. In some types of mangos, the skin may also have an unpalatable or a bitter taste. For some people, the skin is not a delicious option as compared to the fruit’s flesh.

Texture of the skin

The texture of mango’s skin is usually uneven which makes it tough to eat it. The tough texture is one reason why many people are not encouraged to eat the rind. Lovers of mango’s flesh often state the fibrous texture of the fruit’s skin as the main reason for avoiding its rind.

So, can the rind of mango be eaten?

No doubt, the rind of mango is endowed with abundant health benefits and nutritional values. On the other hand, the unpalatable taste, its tough texture and taste make it not so attractive for consumption. Added to these, threats of exposing oneself to the risks of consuming residual pesticides is another reason. Those who have allergies to urushiol, such allergies are another reason why some people are turned off by mango’s skin.
Dietary studies show that nutrients and benefits mango’s skin offers may be made available by eating other vegetables and fruits. So, if whole foods can offer the inherent benefits of mango’s skin, it is needless to endure the risks of eating the rind of mango.

But what if you have decided to eat the skin?

If you do not possess known allergies, you can try eating the skin. But make sure that you are not eating it regularly. It has been widely believed that eating the skin once in a while is unlikely to cause severe allergies or trigger acute risks. You are advised to wash and wipe the skin to ensure no residual pesticides are present on the skin. You can also consider cleaning the fruit with a veggie cleaner as an added safety measure.
The best way to eat the skin of mango is to peel the skin off and make a smoothie with the rind. Another easier way is to eat the fruit – along with the skin – is to eat it like a peach, pear or an apple.

In sum, consumption of a wholesome diet – such as nuts, vegetables and fruits – can yield the benefits related to eating the skin of mango. So, it is not necessary to eat the skin of mango by enduring the unpalatable texture, taste and the risks of residual pesticides, etc. However, if you wish to eat the skin of mango ensure to wash it well prior to eating it.