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Asthma and bronchitis are often accompanied by spells of wheezing, gasping and other respiratory problems. In essence, these conditions make it difficult for you to breathe easily. Ailments that form part of a genre called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / disorder (COPD) are known to have an adverse impact on your airways and lungs. Your doctor may prescribe a few meds to treat such breathing conditions. Drugs belonging to a class of meds known as bronchodilators are widely used. Albuterol is a commonly prescribed drug; but, can it be used with qvar – another drug used for easing breathing difficulties? It is essential to know more on this.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – COPD, can often lead to respiratory problems. These problems can show up as suffocation, wheezing or panting for breath. If left unattended, these breathing difficulties may soon affect your lungs and other essential organs. Drugs administered for such respiratory problems dilate your airways and thus decongest your breathing cycles.

What is albuterol and what are its uses?

In this milieu, bronchodilators are commonly used meds. Albuterol forms part of this class, and is widely used to treat breathing conditions. Albuterol is available in multiple versions namely, a liquid suspension, a pill and also an extended release / long action variant. The long action pill is consumed once every half day – i.e., one dose per 12 hours. On the other hand, the liquid form (syrup) of albuterol is consumed upto 4 times within a 24-hour timeline. It is advised to take this drug at the same time each day. Always remember that this bronchodilator med is not an over the counter (OTC) or self-medication drug. The use of this med is always accompanied by a qualified physician’s prescription.

Common side effects of albuterol

Albuterol is likely to cause a few minor side effects. The most common side effects include migraines, feeling dizzy, becoming nervous or turning restless, sudden shifts of moods, sleep-related disorders (either too very sleepy or being unable to sleep), etc. In some people, discomforts such as nausea, cramping of muscles, tumors and bleeding from nasal pathways are also noticed.

Acute side effects and severe discomforts

This bronchodilator is unlikely to cause any major side effects. However, among those who are allergic to albuterol (and to the key chemicals used in making it), the following acute discomforts may show up: hives / rashes on skin, excessive levels of itchiness, pain in your chest, erratic heartbeat or tachycardia (rapid beating of the heart), etc. In some remote instances, users have also experienced swallowing problems, worsening of respiratory conditions, fever and inflammation of body parts (especially, facial organs and oral parts such as tongue, lips, etc.).

What is qvar?

This drug forms part of a class of meds called corticosteroids. It is used for reducing the inflammation of your airways; this action leads to resolving breathing difficulties. This is more a preventive med and hence must never be used when an asthmatic attack (or a breathing condition) has already begun. In case of people who are allergic to this med, a few adverse reactions may show up; these include itchiness or a few other skin conditions, swelling of nose, eyes and lips.

Qvar must not be inhaled if your breathing difficulties are worsening or if you are witnessing the formation of white spots or sores on your oral parts (lips, tongue, etc.), choking and if you are already feeling very suffocated. People living with adrenal dysfunction must tell their doctor of such hormonal conditions. A hypo condition shows up as weakness, being tired, abdominal problems such as nausea, vomiting as well as being lightheaded. On the other hand, an excessively-active adrenal gland may cause discomforts such as sudden / inexplicable gain of body weight, excessive growth of hair, sexual dysfunction, etc.

Side effects triggered by qvar include pain in the sinuses, formation of yeast in oral parts as well as soreness of throat or symptoms of an infection (such as sneezing, runny nose or blocked nasal airways). Larger doses of this med (i.e., excessive inhalation) can cause an overdosed or a toxic condition. Always remember that it can take upto 25 days for the signs to improve. So, never discontinue taking this med all of a sudden – i.e., without consulting with your caregiving team.

Can you take albuterol with qvar?

The answer is yes. Qvar is a maintenance drug or a controller of asthmatic attacks. On the other hand, albuterol is a rescuing med; this drug is taken when there is an intense attack of asthma or COPD such as bronchitis, inflammation of lungs and blockage of nasal airways. But, these two drugs must never be taken through self-medication mode. Instead, take needful advice from a qualified medical practitioner prior to taking these 2 drugs together.

Also, those living with weakened bones or those with conditions such as osteoporosis may need to stay from this combination; it can aggravate bone problems. It is a safe practice to opt for a bone density scan (or test) to check the health of your bones. In children, this combination may disrupt the normal growth cycles; hence, it is highly recommended to talk to your child’s doctor prior to administering this medication plan among children. If anyone of these meds – especially, qvar – gets into your eyes, you must rinse with water. Also, if you are experiencing persistent spells of irritation, you must check with your doctor about such conditions and take needful remedial actions.

If you miss one of the doses, never take a double dose of these meds. Instead, wait for your next dose and pursue your medication plan in a normal manner. However, if you have missed several doses, talk to your pharmacist to reschedule your dosage plan. Upon sensing problems such as passing out, inflammation, worsening of breathing difficulties call 911 without further delay. Those living in any of the Canadian provinces can reach out to a local poison control unit or call Health Canada on an emergency mode.

In sum, albuterol and qvar can be used at the same time. You need to know that albuterol can rescue from a severe spell of asthmatic attack; on the other hand, qvar is a maintenance-drug and it helps control / prevent possible spells of wheezing or gasping. Above all, qvar and albuterol must always be taken under the guidance and supervision of a medical practitioner. Talk to your caregiving team to know more about this co-administration and also about the safety precautions needed to avoid undesired side effects or discomforts.