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can you take clindamycin if allergic to penicillin in a webp image

Infectious conditions are triggered when your body under siege by microbes like bacteria. Once your sense the signs of an infection, it is a safe practice to talk to a certified doctor or pharmacist. Your physician is likely to prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Various kinds of antibiotics are commonly available. A sub-category known as lincosamide antibiotics stops  progression of bacteria. These drugs halt microbes from getting protein for growth. Clindamycin is one such med. But, can you take clindamycin if allergic to penicillin? It becomes a vital thing to understand this in detail.

Antibiotic meds are prescribed to treat infectious conditions bacteria cause. These meds are taken to check the growth of microbes. These drugs however are not used for infections triggered by microbes apart from bacteria viz., fungi, yeast or viruses. But, as viral infections and bacterial attacks show up with almost similar signs, it is essential to consume antibiotics strictly as per the guidance of qualified caregiving professionals.

In this milieu, what is clindamycin 300 mg used for?

Clindamycin is grouped under a category of drugs known as lincosamide antibiotic meds. This med is administered to manage a sizable spectrum of infections triggered by bacterial strands. Physician use this drug to treat infections in your respiratory tract including conditions like pneumonia, infections inside the ear, etc. In order to treat malaria-based infections, this drug is prescribed with quinine.

Clindamycin 300 mg is also known to manage skin-related conditions such as rashes or hives. In general, this med treats conditions caused by a microbial strand known as Staphylococcus aureus. You can procure this med in several formats viz., oral pill, topical cream, an injection and as a gel.

Can you take clindamycin if allergic to penicillin?

Yes, you can take clindamycin if allergic to penicillin. It can be administered to people who have experienced prior spells of hypersensitivity to penicillin. More than 9% people in the US are known to have some form of allergies to penicillin-based drugs. But, those who claim to have such allergies do not have true allergies.

Studies indicate that only less than 1.25% of users of antibiotics who are really hypersensitive to penicillin. Also, as high as 3/4th of such people may lose hypersensitivity to penicillin after the lapse of 8 – 9 years’ time.

can you take clindamycin if allergic to penicillin in a webp image

Additional inputs needed for the safe intake of clindamycin

Antibiotic drugs like clindamycin may trigger some adverse effects. These effects may show up in the form of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. However, many of such undesired effects do not show up for a longer duration. As your body gets familiar with key chemicals of clindamycin, most of these counterproductive effects are likely to disappear.

This med is known to be safe for use among pregnant women. It is also considered a safe drug for breastfeeding women. However, caregivers may not prescribe this drug if are nursing a baby. Those who are applying clindamycin gel may notice unpleasant effects like dryness, burning feeling or peeling. Once you observe any of these adverse effects, inform your doctor immediately.

Use of clindamycin is likely to lead to infections of Clostridium difficile. You may notice swelling of the colon, discharge of watery stool, indigestion, stomach pain, etc. Use of antidiarrheal drugs may only worsen these aforesaid abdominal conditions. Also, remember that such infections can show up quite regularly if you are taking clindamycin along with another antibiotic med.

Once you witness one or more of these adverse effects of clindamycin, it is highly recommended to consult with your physician soon. People in the US must dial 911 on an emergency mode. Users of clindamycin in Canada must take assistance from a poison management center closer to where you live. You may also establish contact with Health Canada.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.