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Clonidine is a popular med used for controlling high levels of blood pressure. Chemicals such as norepinephrine as well as renin are known to exert greater control over vascular tension. The higher the vascular tension, the larger are your risks of hypertension. Clonidine reduces the production of neuro-transmitting substances and inhibits spikes of pressure level. It is also known to calm your nerves and brain function. Owing to these benefits, the drug is also used for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as intensive episodes of anxiety / restlessness. Do you need to take clonidine before or after food? It is necessary to know more on this to obtain better results.

Clonidine is a prescription med, used for managing a few medical conditions such as hypertension, restlessness, anxieties, nervousness, etc. In its extended / delayed-release format, this drug is prescribed for younger adults to manage attention deficit and hyperactivity. It is available in many other forms – namely, pills / tablets, skin patches, etc. This drug forms part of a family of meds called as alpha-agonists. These meds work on your brain chemicals to bring about calmness and reduce nervousness. People who used a skin patch (owing to allergies triggered by the oral intake of this drug) may develop allergies on their skin. These may show up in the form of rashes, itchiness and reddening of skin.

Intake of clonidine may cause a few side effects; more common discomforts are difficulties to discharge stools (i.e., constipation), pain in the abdomen, feeling dizzy, migraines, insomnia as well as infections in your upper airways. A few people have also witnessed irritation, hallucinations, excessive levels of weariness and dryness of organs such as eye and mouth. In some one-off instances, a small share of users experienced shallow breathing cycles, erratic heartbeat and angina or chest pain. If such acute discomforts persist for long, inform your caregiver without any delay.

When to take clonidine before or after food?

The standard dosage plan includes intake of this drug twice within a 24-hour timeline. As this med is often prescribed for a fairly longer term, you need to take each dosage without fail. If you have missed a dose, do not take a double dose; instead, skip the forgotten dose and proceed with your normal dosage plan. On the other hand, if you have missed a few doses, talk to your pharmacist to reschedule your dosage plan.

You can take clonidine before or after  food. Your daily dosages are divided into two – one in the morning and another in the evening. In very rare instances, some users are prescribed with a medication plan that involves taking clonidine thrice per day. Mostly, all the dosages within a day are equally divided. But, if one of the doses is stronger than the rest – take the strongest dose before you go to bed in the night. While taking the oral form of this drug, never chew or bite it; some people may even cut the tablet into two – never do any of these practices as these are unsafe. You are advised to swallow the oral tablet with a glass of water. If a skin patch is prescribed, talk to your treating doctor about how to use it safely.

It is important to periodically test the functioning of kidneys. If your renal function is suboptimal or if there is a drop in the filtering efficiency of kidneys, your dosage plan is altered / lowered appropriately. It is equally important to check how well your heart functions; it is a good practice to opt for cardiac check-up at regular intervals. As an extended safety measure, check your blood pressure levels as well. In general, you are advised to talk to your treating physician to know more on the type of tests needed on a periodic basis. Talk to your treating physician or pharmacist immediately if you notice excessive levels of restlessness, impulsive actions or episodes of hyperactivity. Your caregiving team may alter the doses or may prescribe other suiting alternatives to calm restlessness and anxiety levels.

It is essential to know that the intake of this drug must not be stopped abruptly. A sudden stoppage of the medication plan can lead to a few signs of withdrawal syndrome. When you notice shakes / tremors, migraines, a sudden spike in blood pressure levels or severe episodes of headaches, you need to talk to your treating doctor as soon as possible. Also, this drug must never be given to children aged less than 6 years. However, for those aged 7 to 18 years, an initial dose of 0.1 milligram (mg) is administered. As a safety precaution, this dose is given prior to going to bed. Maintenance dosage of clonidine is in between 0.2 to 0.4 mg each day. Your teenage child’s dose may be divided into two – the dose taken prior to bedtime is often stronger than daytime dose. If your child’s medication plan needs to be discontinued, it is tapered off in slabs of 0.1 mg over a week’s time.

Same dosage plans are never prescribed to two individuals – even if the signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder remain similar. Your medication plan is often a function of severity of the underlying condition, age, pre-existing ailments and also based on how your system responds to the initial few doses of clonidine. Clonidine For elderly people, the doses are offered at a minimal level; this is because of the emergence of likely risks such as drowsiness, feeling excessively dizzy or odds of accidental falls.

Last but not least, women who are pregnant must tell their medical team about their condition. Your caregiver may assess the medical condition and may decide about the dosage strength; in most cases, use of clonidine during pregnancy is avoided. The same level of precaution is needed if this drug is offered to women who are nursing their newly born infant. As the active ingredients of clonidine may enter into mother’s milk, use of this drug for breastfeeding women is highly restricted.

In sum, clonidine is taken for calming your mind and to treat spells of restlessness. This drug may be taken either before or after taking a meal. Those consuming an oral pill must not bite or cut it; instead, swallow the pill with a few ounces of water. Those using skin patches need to consult with their medical team and take needful safety measures.