Sleep is important for sustaining daily life. Deprivation of sleep can leave you tired and drowsy during the daytime. Your body makes a natural hormone known as melatonin; this substance regulates your sleep and wake cycles. You might have guessed it right; people living with sleeping disorders are known to make lesser levels of this hormone. The good news is – melatonin is available as a supplement. The added benefit of the supplementary form of melatonin is it can be used for reducing your blood pressure level. But, can it be used along with drugs like cyproheptadine? It is a wise thing to know more about such use – especially, prior to commencing your medication plan.
Melatonin is a naturally made hormone. Your body makes this on its own. This hormone guides your sleeping and waking up periods. Your system automatically makes it when it gets dark. This is one of the reasons why you feel sleepy when it is dark outside. On the other hand, this hormone also helps you stay awake. How? It is made in lesser quantities when it is bright and sunny. But, the problem comes when people live with a condition wherein their body makes suboptimal level of this hormone. In such cases, people may find it difficult to have a good night’s sleep. Your treating physician may prescribe a supplement form of melatonin. This supplement – especially, the controlled release version – helps manage episodes of high blood pressure (i.e., hypertension). It is also used to allay restlessness and anxieties among users. This is why the supplement is also used prior to a surgical procedure or an intervention.
Adverse reactions melatonin is likely to trigger
Foremost of all, it is not recommended to use melatonin-based supplements over the long term. Short term intake of this drug is considered safe – and is unlikely to cause any major discomfort or adverse side effects. But, larger doses of melatonin or long term intake of this drug may lead to a few side effects. These include feeling extreme levels of dizziness, lethargy, sleepiness, headaches, vomiting and other abdominal discomforts such as nausea, etc.
What is cyproheptadine?
This drug is a commonly used antihistamine. Its use is primarily to minimize the allergic reactions caused by production of allergy-fighting chemicals known as histamines. The key benefit of using cyproheptadine rests with its ability to suppress and inhibit allergic reactions like a runny nose, watery eyes, itchiness, sneezing, etc. In some cases, your system may produce a few hormones in larger proportions; this condition is known as Cushing’s syndrome. As an extended use – cyproheptadine is used for the treatment of such syndrome.
You need to know that not all types of antihistamines are the same. A few of them may cause excessive levels of dizziness, drowsiness as well as sleepiness. These drugs belong to a category called sedation-causing genre of antihistamines. It is important to remember that cyproheptadine falls under this sub-category of antihistamine drugs. This drug can make you fall asleep and thus help manage allergic conditions or related discomforts. Owing to which, some of the serious allergies may also be managed with the intake of cyproheptadine. Such serious allergies may get triggered when you are exposed to dust particles, pollen or microbes. You also need to know that this med is sold as a tablet and as syrup. Those who have been prescribed a liquid form (i.e., syrup) must measure each dose carefully. Use of a household ladle or a spoon is considered as an unsafe practice. It can lead to your getting overdosed. It hence becomes essential to use the measuring device or a spoon found inside the pack.
Intake of melatonin along with cyproheptadine
Drugs may adversely interact when taken along with other meds. It is important to tell your treating doctor about the meds you are already taking. As an extended safety measure, inform your caregiving team about all the treatment plans you are presently pursuing. In case of co-administering melatonin and cyproheptadine, these two drugs are known to bring about excessive levels of sleepiness, lethargy as well as drowsiness. Hence, taking them together can make you very sleepy. Among elderly people, accidental falls and fits or epileptic seizures have been noticed.
You are advised not to drive or engage in tasks that may need high level of mental focus and concentration. Never indulge in adventurous sporting activities like swimming, skiing or running. Those who live with prior respiratory conditions or clinical problems such as convulsions must keep their treating doctor informed of such disorders. It is unlikely that your doctor may prescribe either of these two drugs when you have such prior medical conditions.
Those who are taking an antihistamine like cyproheptadine as part of self-medication must avoid it if you are living with liver problems or kidney related disorders. Also, those who have chronic increase in ocular pressure levels (hypertension of eye fluids) or a prior incidence of glaucoma must stay away from these two meds. Presence of ulcers as well as internal blocks may hamper the efficacy of these drugs; ulcers may also tend to get aggravated upon being exposed to the active ingredients of these meds. So, never take either of these drugs as over the counter meds; it is a safe practice to consult with a qualified caregiver prior to starting your medication plans.
How much cyproheptadine is considered a safe dosage?
Dosages can vary from 1 milligram (mg) to as high as 4 mg in a 24-hour timeline. Of this range, 1 or 2 mg dosages are commonly prescribed to those aged 3 to 7; however, for younger adults – dosages can hover at 4 mg. In case of elders, the dosages are maintained at 2 mg. For fully grown adults, 4 mg doses are often given – these dosages are prescribed either twice or thrice within a day. The dosages and their frequency depend on your age, weight, prior clinical disorders as well as how well your body reacts to the first few low-level doses.
In sum, combined intake of melatonin and cyproheptadine is not a safe practice. As both these meds are known to induce sleep, you may turn extremely lethargic or sleepy when both these meds are co-administered. If you sense a loss of coordination or if you are feeling very dizzy or drowsy, never drive a vehicle or work with heavy machines. You are advised to talk to your treating doctor / pharmacist quickly to prevent any further medical complications. Those who notice an erratic heartbeat or shallow breathing cycles are advised to call 911 (if you live in the US) or reach out to Health Canada (if you are a resident of Canada) on an emergency basis.