Beta blockers are drugs administered for the treatment of chest pain (known as angina), hypertension as well as to reduce likely risks of heart failures. Key ingredients of beta blockers help inhibit a few naturally forming substances – like epinephrine; these chemicals are known to have a direct influence on your blood vessels and the functioning of the heart. Metoprolol is one of the drugs belonging to this genre of meds. But, can this beta blocking drug be used along with losartan? It is a wise thing to know more about this co-administration prior to starting your treatment plan?
Angina or simply, chest pain – is caused when your heart does not get sufficient supply of blood. If left untreated, it can lead to a cardiac attack. Another key risk is a persistent increase in blood pressure level; in such cases, your cardiac muscles will need to work hard to supply enough blood to your heart. Drugs belonging to a genre called beta blockers are commonly used to treat these conditions.
A natural chemical called epinephrine works to increase blood pressure level – especially, whenever there is a drop in pressure (hypotension). Beta blockers help control this substance and regulate pressure levels. Management of pressure level is known to avoid risks of strokes, renal failures as well as heart problems.
What is metoprolol?
This drug is a beta blocker; it is used for the treatment of angina, hypertension and cardiac attacks. It can help lower the rate of heartbeats, bring down blood pressure as well as ease away strains on your cardiac muscles. It is taken orally and is consumed as per the instructions of your treating doctor. As it is a potent medication, the initial doses are maintained at a very low level; once your system responds well to the first few dosages, dosage strength is gradually increased. It is recommended to take this drug at the same time each day; such a practice can increase the efficacy of this beta blocker.
Common side effects of metoprolol include being dizzy, weariness, slow down of heartbeat as well as a significant drop in libido. If one or more of these side effects are persisting for long, talk to your caregiver without much delay. In some one-off cases, this drug may reduce the flow of blood to your lower limbs (especially, feet or ankles); in such cases, seek medical attention in a proper healthcare setting as quickly as you possibly can. Intake of alcohol or smoking of tobacco products may work adversely; hence, you are advised to stop drinking and smoking. If your lifestyle includes drinking alcohol on a daily basis, talk to your treating doctor and take help to keep such habits under control.
What is losartan?
This drug is also used for the treatment of high blood pressure levels (i.e., hypertension). It helps reduce the odds of severe health conditions such as strokes or cardiac arrests. Losartan belongs to a class of drugs known as angiotensin receptor blocking (ARB) meds. The key task of this drug is to relax your arteries and facilitate easier flow of blood through vessels.
This drug is taken orally; you may take it either before or after a meal. It is also available as a liquid variant. It is important to shake the bottle well prior to using the suspended version of losartan. Always use the measuring spoon provided along with the pack; never use a spoon or ladle from your kitchen. Such practices may lead to an overdose of this ARB drug. A few side effects caused by losartan include being lightheaded or witnessing excessive levels of dizziness. Elderly patients are likely to experience falls or factures (owing to accidental falls). You are advised to report to your caregiver if you notice erratic heartbeats, high level of potassium in your bloodstream or if you are experiencing a loss of coordination/fainting.
What happens when you take metoprolol along with losartan?
Intake of these two drugs may cause a few undesired, adverse reactions. Hence, it becomes essential to tell your doctor about all the drugs you are presently taking. Make a list of drugs and treatment plans already pursued. Once you have shared this list of medications, never make changes to it – i.e., without telling your caregiving team.
Commonly noticed adverse interactions between metoprolol and losartan include drop in red blood cells (known as anemia), renal dysfunction, weariness or tiredness, erratic levels of blood cholesterol (also, a spell of hypertension or an increase in pressure level), abdominal discomforts such as nausea, vomiting or pain in lower abdomen. Those who have prior kidney problems must tell their caregiver about early signs such as discoloration of urine, painful episodes of urination, etc.
In some people, acute reactions may show up in the form of rashes on skin, inflammation of facial parts, swelling of oral organs (such as gums, tongue or throat), excessive levels of sleepiness, difficulties to pass stools, inexplicable loss of body weight, etc. Upon witnessing hardened discharge of stools or serious episodes of constipation, your treating doctor may prescribe the use of stool-softeners and/or laxatives. In such cases, use of laxatives must be used sparingly. Regular as well as a long term use of stool softeners can be habit forming. Over a period of time, you may not be able to pass stools without the intake of laxatives.
In general, if you have had prior episodes of substance abuse or addiction to intoxicants such as marijuana or cannabis, your treating physician must be made aware of such habits. It is safer to refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery while you have taken such drugs. As the risk of potassium build-up is high, you are advised to check your potassium levels on a periodic basis. Most importantly, if you are undergoing a surgical or a dental intervention, your caregiving team must be updated about your intake of losartan and metoprolol.
In sum, administration of metoprolol along with losartan may cause a few conditions such as anemia, renal ailments, tiredness, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pains. In some people, this combination may cause constipation; talk to your doctor and use laxatives. But, never use laxatives for long as it is habit forming. For more inputs on how safe it is to take metoprolol and losartan, talk to your caregiver and/or pharmacist prior to commencing your treatment.