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Can-you-take-omeprazole-while-pregnant in a webp image

Proton pump inhibiting drugs help bring down acids in your stomach. These drugs are ranked among essential drugs – as listed by World Health Organisation. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers in gastric tract as well as stress-induced gastritis. Some PPIs are available as over-the-counter (OTC) meds. Self-medication – for a longer time span – is unsafe. Omeprazole is a leading PPI med. But can you take omeprazolewhile pregnant?

Acids formed inside your stomach have a pH level of 1.0 to 3.0. These acids are vital to digest proteins present in foods you eat. Level of acids is streamlined through feedback your body receives from the brain; for instance, more acids are made after your taking a meal. Excessive levels of acids can lead to ulcers in linings of your tummy.

Ulcers can also show-up in your small intestine and – at times – in the lower part of your food pipe. The condition called GERD ensues when your stomach has produced more acids. You may witness non-cardiac angina / chest pains, corrosion of teeth, spells of regurgitation and heartburns. If left untreated, GERD can lead to further problems like inflammation of food pipe, impairment of sphincter valve, etc.

What are proton pump inhibitors – PPIs?

These are medications that block proton pumps in your gastric system. These pumps are responsible for secretion of digestive acids. A drop in acid-levels can help cure heartburns, pain due to indigestion and also can cure ulcers in duodenum.

Excessive intake of PPIs can deprive your stomach of needful acids for digestion; having inadequate acids triggers a medical condition called achlorhydria or hypochlorhydria. In case of infections caused by microbes Helicobacter pylori, PPIs increase the pH value of acids and thus stop further growth of microbes. Intake of foods along with PPIs is known to reduce the efficacy of these drugs.

In this light, what is omeprazole?

Omeprazole is a generic-drug used for treating ulcers in your tummy, GERD, infections triggered by Helicobacter pylori and inflammation of your food-pipe due to excessive acids. In essence, omeprazole reduces the quantum of acids your stomach makes.

Good news is: omeprazole is available as a generic drug. This means – you can buy it at relatively lesser costs. It is sold in online-pharmacies and in drugstores, both as pills and as capsules. In some countries, you can buy as an orally-disintegrating pill. Almost all forms of this PPI can be bought as an OTC drug. Also, all 3 versions have a delayed-released mechanism of action. This helps it in remaining intact inside your stomach – with standing the harsh pH environment there.

So, can you take omeprazole while pregnant?

Omeprazole is administered to pregnant women only when the benefits it offers clearly outweigh risks to your fetus. Studies done on this indicate the absence of major-risks to pregnant women. According to a few medical practitioners, use of omeprazole during pregnancy is an ‘acceptable’ practice.

However, women who are nursing an infant or breastfeeding must stay away from omeprazole. This is chiefly because key ingredients of omeprazole pass-through mothers’ milk and can potentially harm babies. Infants who consume omeprazole-laced-milk may develop sleeplessness or may cry too often.

Pregnant women – when they use omeprazole – need to be cautious of a few adverse effects. Tell your doctor if you have difficulties in passing stools, having acute spells of migraine, formation of gas in your belly, being dizzy or infections in upper-respiratory-tract. Most of these aforesaid discomforts are unlikely to persist beyond 4-days. However, if they turn bothersome, speak with your caregiver.

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Long-term use of omeprazole is unsafe for pregnant women; risks of fracturing of bones, deficiencies of B12-Vitamin and renal problems like swelling of kidneys may show-up. Hence, it is highly recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional about ‘can you take omeprazole while pregnant’.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.