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In most instances, dizziness and related discomforts of vertigo are found to go off on their own after sometime. These short spells of vertigo may disappear when your body adjusts quickly to inner ear pressure differentials. You need to remember that your vestibular system has a major role to play here. It is this system which helps you stay balanced – especially, in the wake of gravitational forces and other external influences. Other discomforts triggered by vertigo include ringing inside one’s ears as well as feeling nauseated – often accompanied by episodes of vomiting. Betahistine is one of the commonly prescribed drugs for treating vertigo. But, can it be taken along with painkillers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (popularly known as NSAIDs)? It is better to know if such co-administration is a safe practice.

Vertigo often causes dizziness and can make you go unbalanced. It may also be accompanied by being swayed away involuntarily as well as getting drowsy as well as dizzy, marked by unsteady movements. Episodes of vertigo can last for a few minutes or at times, for several hours. Regardless of the duration, symptoms and signs of vertigo are unmistakably the same. Added to the aforesaid discomforts, you are also likely to experience excessive sweating, shifty movements of eyeballs, migraines, ringing inside the ears, etc. In some instances, people have also observed a marked drop in their ability to hear ambient sounds and in a few one-off cases, some people have witnessed a complete loss of hearing.

In some people, deposits of calcium inside the ears may lead to spells of vertigo. The smaller deposits or stones are clinically referred to as canalith. If you have such deposits inside your ears, the academy of neuro medicines suggests a few ways to manage them. A unique pattern of movements of your body as well as head / neck is often recommended. With these movements, calcium stones / deposits can get absorbed back into your system. But, how to know more about these head, neck and body movements? For this, you can seek needful help from a qualified therapist or a neuro specialist.

Use of betahistine for treating vertigo

There are several medications that are prescribed to treat vertigo. Of such meds, betahistine is a commonly used drug. Its main function is to treat a condition called Meniere’s ailment. This condition is characterized by dizziness, abdominal problems like vomiting or nausea as well as inner ear problems experienced due to changes in pressure level. The signs and discomforts are the same when are down with a spell of vertigo; hence, betahistine is administered for treating the aforesaid discomforts triggered by vertigo / Meniere’s disease.

Safe dosage level of this drug is 24 milligrams (mg) within one day – i.e., 24 hours. This dose is subdivided as 3 equal doses of 8 mg each. Your doctor will advise spacing out of each dose by 8 hours, in order to avoid toxicity or an overdose. The highest possible dosage value per day must never breach 48-mg. This maximum dosage is also divided into three or four sub-doses of say, 12 mg (if it is 4 times / day) or as 16 mg per dose (if you are taking it thrice daily).

Medical research has inferred that the key cause for vertigo is the change in inner ear pressure levels. It is this pressure change which becomes instrumental in causing nausea, dizziness, ringing in ears, loss of hearing sense, etc. Betahistine needs to be always taken as per the instructions of a qualified medical practitioner. It is unsafe to discontinue the intake of this med without consulting your treating doctor or pharmacist. Also, never take this drug on a self-medication mode or without having needful guidance from a physician. Taking this med when you are not experiencing vertigo can trigger a few adverse effects. Such adverse side effects may include dizziness, loss of hearing, nausea and vomiting accompanied by altered levels of inner ear pressure.


Intake of pain killing drugs along with betahistine

This drug may interact with a few other co-administered medications. So, before taking meds – such as, say nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, etc. you need to take the consent of your treating doctor or pharmacist. It is considered safe to share the list of all medications you are currently taking as well as treatment plans that you are presently pursuing. Once you have shared the list, never make changes or stop taking meds in the list. This can lead to other adverse reactions; always remember that your medical team makes your dosage plan for betahistine based on the list of meds and dosages that you are currently taking. Also, if you are planning to undergo a surgical procedure or a dental intervention – your surgical or dental team needs to know about the intake of betahistine. Above all, your anesthetic team must be kept aware of dosage values of betahistine, as larger doses are likely to interact with anesthetic agents (i.e., those administered prior to interventions – surgical and dental alike).

Likely discomforts as well as side effects triggered by intake of betahistine

This drug is likely to trigger a few adverse side effects as well as undesired reactions. Odds of these adverse reactions are high when you have prior hypersensitivity to this med or its active ingredients. It is hence essential to inform your physician about prior hypersensitivities as well as any known allergies to drugs such as betahistine. If you are living with ulcers or other stomach conditions such as peptic ulcers, internal bruising or swelling / inflammation, you must keep your doctor informed about the intake of this med.

Adverse reactions triggered by betahistine can be acute, at times. However, in most instances, these discomforts are quite minor in nature. Also, most of these adverse reactions and undesired side effects are likely to disappear on their own; but, you need to know that some effects can persist longer. Not many users encountered such long term effects; in fact, it is a very small percentage of users who witnessed major side effects and acute discomforts. Common side effects of this drug include headaches, flatulence, bloating, acid reflux, heartburn, migraines, and a few abdominal problems such as nausea and vomiting. Upon experiencing these problems for a longer span of time – of say, more than 2 days, – it is strongly recommended to talk to your treating physician or a pharmacist as quickly as you possibly can.

Other precautions that are needed prior to taking dosages of betahistine

Inputs from medical research infer that the key reasons for the incidence of vertigo is a change in your inner-ear pressure levels. It is regarded as not safe to stop taking this drug without consulting your treating physician as well as a pharmacist. Those who discontinued this med without medical guidance experienced discomforts such as nausea, dizziness, ringing inside ears, loss of hearing, etc.

Above all, this drug may not be safe if administered onto younger adults as well as children. You need to talk to a child specialist or a children’s doctor (i.e., paediatrician) before starting to give dosages to children. It becomes important to store it at a place which is not easily accessible or reachable by your pets as well as children. Last but not least, if you are living with breathing problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or related disorders (COPD), bronchial asthma or other such respiratory conditions, you need to stay away from consuming this drug. Also, if your family’s clinical history includes respiratory problems – like those mentioned above, you need keep your physician or pharmacist informed of such ailments. For more information about safe intake of this drug along with pain killing drugs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), you need to consult your medical team before starting such medication plans.