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Accumulation of more acids in the gastric system can result in the formation of ulcers and other discomforts. Acidic imbalance in your tummy may also cause gastroesophageal reflux disorder or acid reflux; such conditions may cause injuries to your food pipe. Drugs need to be administered to reduce the level of acids; else, these harsh acids may erode your food pipe as well as walls of the duodenum (i.e., top part of your intestine). Ranitidine is a widely used drug, mainly taken to reduce the build-up of acids. But, can you take ranitidine and pantoprazole together? It is important to know more on this prior to commencing your treatment plan.

Formation of ulcer(s) ruptures the inner linings of your tummy. These may also affect the upper side of your intestine – known as duodenum. You are likely to witness a painful condition and may find it difficult to digest fat-intensive foods; other discomforts in the form of heartburns, traces of blood in stools, inexplicable loss of body weight, etc. may also show up. In some cases, sudden changes in appetite are another distinctive symptom of ulcer formation. Risk factors include intake of oil-rich foods, smoking of tobacco products as well as intake of caffeine and / or alcohol.

Ulcers may show up among all age groups; however, it is more likely to occur among elders. The elderly are more susceptible as excessive biliary juices may enter into their gastric system. Recent studies indicate that those with O type of blood group are more likely to get duodenal ulcers; this is mainly because of the absence of select chemicals on the outer layer of blood cells. Such absence may fail to safeguard duodenal walls from a possible build-up of acids.

What is ranitidine?

This drug belongs to a class of meds known as H2 blocking medications. The main use of ranitidine is to reduce the quantum of acids in your tummy. It is also administered for the treatment of erosion of food pipe, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) / heartburns or acid reflux. Owing to safety reasons (cancer-causing properties), the availability of this med is currently restricted in the US.

It is made as an effervescent pill or as granules; it is also available as a liquid suspension (syrup). The med is taken at least an hour (or, at least 45 minutes) prior to taking foods or drinks which may cause acid reflux. If you are taking the granular form of ranitidine, make the granules to dissolve in 7 ounces of water (a full glass) and drink it. This med must never be taken – either as an over the counter or through self-medication mode – without the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner.

Ranitidine may cause a few undesired side effects and / or unintended discomforts. Commonly experienced side effects include difficulties to pass stools (i.e., constipation), migraine / severe spells of headache, indigestion, abdominal problems such as nausea, vomiting and pain in the abdomen. Most of these discomforts may go away on their own once your body gets used to this drug’s key chemicals. However, if one or more of these discomforts persist for more than 4 days, it is strongly advised to seek clinical attention of a qualified medical specialist.

What is pantoprazole?

Pantoprazole is a med belonging to a class of medications called proton pump inhibiting drugs. The chief function of this drug is to control enzymes responsible for the production of acids in your gastric tract. This drug is used for healing ulcers on the inner lining of esophagus (i.e., food pipe), top part of your intestine (known as duodenum) and blisters / burns showing up on the walls of your stomach. This med is sold as a tablet and also in an injectable version. Injection of pantoprazole is administered for a severe erosion of the inner walls of the gastric system; however, the tablet form is given for a subdued onset of these ulcerous conditions.

Can you take ranitidine along with pantoprazole?

There are no known records of adverse interactions when these two drugs are taken together. But, this combination is never used for a normal onset of acid build up. Your gastric condition may need to be severely affected by ulcers, rupture of inner linings and internal bleeding / bruising – due to the presence of extra amounts of acids. You also need to know that pantoprazole works well if it is taken at least 45 minutes prior to a meal (mostly, your morning meal); on the other hand, ranitidine needs to be administered either prior to sleep time or along with a meal. Hence, taking these two meds as a combination may present limited benefits. Talk to your treating doctor about the efficacy of these drugs – if they are taken together. In most cases, it is quite likely that you may be advised to take one of these drugs.

A few precautions you need to stay aware of

A longer term intake of pantoprazole may weaken your bones; among elders, this drug can cause an acute loss of bones. It may cause an imbalance of a bacterial strand known as C. difficile. This strand is likely to trigger an incessant spell of indigestion / diarrhea. Intake of meds for treating indigestion may only prove to be counterproductive; it is a safe practice to talk to a qualified physician instead of self-medicating / taking over the counter drugs for treating diarrhea or bacterial infections.

It is essential to understand the likely side effects pantoprazole may trigger; these include dizziness, abdominal pains, indigestion as well as loose stools. The active chemicals used in this drug can alter the outcomes of a few lab procedures. In some women, inadequacy of B12 vitamins is more likely to occur. These are more likely to occur among people aged above 26 years. It is important to stay aware of kidney related disorders (such as nephritis) if you are using acid reducing drugs frequently. These drugs may also lead to a drop in filtering rate of your kidneys over a period of time.

In sum, ranitidine and pantoprazole are unlikely to trigger any major side effects due to adverse interactions. The combination of these drugs is seldom used. However, a few severe gastric problems – such as extremely painful ulcers, advanced level of rupture of inner lining may warrant such intensive treatment. Consult with your caregiver on the efficacy of these two meds – especially, when they are consumed together.