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Antidepressants are drugs that help treat mood related disorders, reduce sleeplessness and bring down anxiety levels. Trazodone is a widely prescribed antidepressant medication; it is used for restoring a right balance of a few natural substances – such as serotonin, in your brain. On the other hand, histamines like cyproheptadine help develop resistance against allergies. The common symptoms this drug helps manage include sneezing, rashes, itchiness, runny nose and / or watery eyes. But, can you take trazodone and cyproheptadine together? Before starting a treatment plan – involving co-administration of these two drugs – you need to know more about it.

Feeling quite low once in a while is fine. But, if you are persistently feeling low and anxious, it can soon lead to depression. This mental condition affects women more than others. In all, more than 290 million people are affected by such mental conditions. Depressive state of mind can show up at any age; it can also show up without an underlying cause. In some cases, it can be due to a sudden death in the family, job loss or a divorce.

What is trazodone?

This drug is an antidepressant, prescribed for the treatment of mood shifts and drop in mental energies or enthusiasm as well as for boosting your appetite level. The key chemicals present in this drug help restore a fine balance of transmitting substances – especially, serotonin. Your dosage level is influenced by several factors – such as, your age, bodyweight, prior clinical ailments and how well your system reacts to the first few doses of this drug. If you are not feeling better in 2 to 3 weeks, you may need to talk to your treating doctor as quickly as possible.

Trazodone is likely to cause a few side effects. Some commonly observed discomforts include feeling very dizzy, sudden alterations in body weight, dehydration as well as difficulties to pass stools. In some instances, you may notice a marked drop in libido or loss of interest in sexual acts, etc. Upon encountering one of these side effects for more than a week’s time, it is highly recommended to consult with your caregiving team without any further delay.

What is cyproheptadine?

As high as 10% of those living in US are known to experience allergies including allergic rhinitis, sneezing, itchiness, etc. every year. Cyproheptadine belongs to a class of drugs known as antihistamines; these are largely used for controlling the onset of many allergies. This antihistamine is sold in the form of tablets and as a liquid. The dosage is maintained at two times every day. Those who are taking a liquid form must always use a ladle or a measuring device provided along with the pack. Never use spoon or other utensils from your kitchen; these practices can result in an overdose.

Cyproheptadine is also used for enhancing your appetite levels. Hence, this drug is prescribed to people who need to add bodyweight; it includes children who waste a lot of foods, those living with conditions such as anorexia or other eating related problems. Another use of cyproheptadine is its capability to inhibit serotonin; so, this drug is used when there is an excessive build up (toxicity) of serotonin. Such toxic levels are witnessed when you have taken larger doses of selective serotonin reuptake inhibiting (SSRIs) drugs. If you are living with high levels of serotonin, it can lead to cancers; especially, when your blood samples contain high traces of this brain chemical.

What happens when you take trazodone along with  cyproheptadine together?

These two drugs are known to interact adversely. Owing to this, the efficacy of trazodone is known to markedly come down when taken along with cyproheptadine. You may observe excessive levels of sleepiness and may feel extremely drowsy. As a safety measure, it is harmful to pursue activities that may need a high level of mental concentration and focus. It may be unsafe to drive a vehicle or perform tasks such as operating heavy machinery and doing adventurous activities such as cycling, jumping or swimming. When taken in larger doses, you are likely to witness impairment of your reasoning ability as well as logical thinking capabilities.

So, what is the right dosage level of cyproheptadine?

In general, doses can vary in the range of 1 milligram (mg) and go up to 4 mg within a 24-hour timeline. 1 or 2 mg dosages are administered onto children who are 3 to 7 years of age. However, for younger adults and those aged less than 16 years, doses are kept at 2 to 3 mg. Such doses are usually administered two times every day. In case of adults (but not those aged above 55 years), doses are enhanced – i.e., administered three times per day; but, each dose form must never exceed 4 mg.

You may be advised to take doses before or soon after your meal(s). Always remember to continue taking the doses all through your medication plan; abrupt stopping or discontinuation of dosages can make allergic reactions to recur. Soon after commencing your treatment plans, you may be experiencing a few positive changes and relief from allergies. But, if your condition remains the same and no big improvements are observed, you are advised to get in touch with your doctor as quickly as you possibly can.

Also, you need to know that this med may lead to dizziness. You may also encounter severe spells of headaches. Your caregiving team may advise intake of a lot of fluids – especially, water or juices. However, intake of carbonated fluids or fluids with high level of caffeine needs to be avoided. If you are noticing acute signs of being dehydrated – marked by parching of mouth and drying of eyes, suck onto ice cubes or candies (preferably sugarless ones).

In sum, intake of trazodone along with cyproheptadine is not a safe practice. The drugs may cancel out the therapeutic effects of each other. Specifically, cyproheptadine is known to diminish the capabilities of trazodone in a considerable manner. These two drugs may also make you acutely dizzy and drowsy. It is better not to step out of your home or engage in hazardous activities such as driving, swimming, etc. Talk to your caregiving team to fully understand the other likely risks of taking trazodone along with cyproheptadine.