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Clonidine for ADHD

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – in short, ADHD – is a mental condition. It makes you excessively active, and also display impulsive actions. Those who have it may find it difficult to stay focused. This condition can neither be cured nor treated. However, diagnosis at an early stage – coupled with a robust treatment plan […]

Clonidine for sleep

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Insomnia is a sleep-based disorder wherein you may have difficulties in falling asleep. You may also be staying awake during nighttime for long, sleepless. Most people with insomnia may experience sleepiness during daytime, low levels of energy, depression and be seen in an irritated frame of mind. As a result, insomniacs may cause accidents while […]

Prazosin for nightmares

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A nightmare is also labelled as bad dreams. Some bad dreams can also create a feeling of panic or restlessness in you. It is a common thing to wake up in a stressful condition; you may need a few hours to come back to a normal frame of mind. If you are witnessing frequent episodes […]

Metoprolol for anxiety how long to work

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Arrhythmia is a condition wherein you experience erratic heartbeats. Those who decide to leave it untreated are at risk to get near-fatal / fatal effects. For instance – erratic cardiac function can lead to a heart arrest or a stroke. Thankfully, drugs are available to treat such cardiac conditions. Metoprolol is one such medication, belonging […]

Metoprolol for AFib

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Atrial fibrillation – in short, AFib – is a condition wherein your heart beats rapidly and of an irregular rhythm. This irregular beating of your heart is called arrhythmia. If left unattended, AFib can cause clotting of blood inside your cardiac system; this in turn causes strokes, heart attack and a few other problems. You […]

Can I take an extra lisinopril if my blood pressure is high?

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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibiting meds (in short, ACE inhibitors) are prescribed for a fairly wide range of conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, a few types of arterial disorders like CAD, etc. Some physicians extend its use to treat nephropathy among people who are diabetic. By blocking enzymes like angiotensin II, lisinopril helps […]

Can anemia cause high blood pressure?

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Drop in number of red blood cells cause anemia. Moreover, tests done on blood samples show a low level of hemoglobin; it is an essential blood-based protein. It is responsible to carrying oxygen and delivering it all parts of the body. Deprivation of oxygen can cause discomforts like tiredness or gasping. Anemia is a common […]

How long does it take for lisinopril to work?

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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibiting drugs (ACE inhibitors) are prescribed for treating a few cardiac and renal ailments. Angiotensin II narrows your arteries; it also helps release norepinephrine, aldosterone, etc. These actions eventually result in enhancement of blood pressure level. These also help produce more urine in your system. So, by reducing these three items, blood […]

Symptoms after stopping atenolol

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Beta blockers are medications used for managing spells of arrhythmia. This medical condition shows up as irregular heartbeats. Beta blockers are also widely prescribed to protect you from a second cardiac attack after a first cardiac arrest. As an extended use, caregivers administer them for treating hypertension and also for controlling episodes of anxiety. On […]

Nifedipine dosage

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Calcium channel blockers are meds that inhibit the movement of calcium via channels of calcium. These drugs are commonly prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure. Caregivers find it working well to reduce stiffness of larger blood vessels. In fact, such stiffness remains one of the salient causes for increase in systolic blood pressure […]

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