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Clonidine-for-ADHD in a webp image

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – in short, ADHD – is a mental condition. It makes you excessively active, and also display impulsive actions. Those who have it may find it difficult to stay focused. This condition can neither be cured nor treated. However, diagnosis at an early stage – coupled with a robust treatment plan – can enable better management of its signs. But can you use a drug like clonidine for ADHD? It is useful to have more details.

The typical signs of ADHD among adults are: becoming forgetful of things, turning impulsive and restless, difficulties in organising things and being bored easily. In some adults, mood shifts including depression, procrastinating things, and inability to control emotions like anger may also show-up. Most of these signs may trigger troubles to maintain cordial relationships both at home and work.

Research studies done on ADHD are unable to zero-in on the likely triggers. Findings do show closer-linkages between genetic make-up and this disorder. Its hence quite likely for you to have inherited it from ancestors. Notwithstanding other causes, those who have injuries in brain, prematurely born babies and those exposed to toxic chemicals or metals like lead may also get ADHD.

Medication plans offered to treat ADHD include administration of both stimulants and non-stimulants. Your treating team may advise a change in daily habits viz., getting ample amount of sleep, working-out regularly and techniques to reduce stress levels.

Your dietitian will advise you to monitor the daily intake of sugars, in order to maintain a healthy level of blood sugar. It is a good thing to consume foods rich in fibers and proteins and to stay hydrated; spells of dehydration can adversely impact your ability to concentrate.

What is clonidine?

Clonidine is a non-stimulant med, widely administered for treating hypertension, flushing post-menopause, ADHD and pains. It is available as an injectable form, oral pill and a transdermal patch. It takes almost 45-minutes for it to start working and its effects last more than 7 hours’ time.

Clonidine dosage for ADHD child

Clonidine is used for children aged above 7 years. It is the extended-release version that is used on children. Medication plans start at a low-dose of 0.1 milligram (mg). This dose is offered orally, and is given before sleep-hours. Dosages are increased in terms of 0.1 mg each week.

Uppermost dose of Clonidine for children must never exceed 0.4 mg within a 24-hour timeline. This dose is administered as 2 equally-distributed doses of 0.2 mg each. You can take a dose either without or with food. If you have forgotten to take a dose, do not take a double-dose. Instead, wait for your next dose, and take it as per plan.

When your medication-plan is coming to a close, daily dose of Clonidine is tapered by 0.1 mg every 4 – 6 days. In a few cases, this drug is administered as an adjunctive med to stimulants.

Clonidine dosage for ADHD in adults

Your caregiving team is likely to start treatment at a lower dose. Your caregiver observes how your body responds to the initial doses of Clonidine. Plans are started at 0.05 mg, and doses are gradually increased in terms of 0.05 to 0.1 mg. You however need to wait for nearly 2 weeks to witness some remedial effects to kick-in. As adults may observe a few withdrawal symptoms, last few doses are lowered by 0.05 – 0.1 mg every 4 days.

How does Clonidine work for ADHD?

Clonidine is an agonist of a few types of adrenergic receptors. These receptors are seen in pre-frontal parts of brain. In essence, this med blocks the actions of nerve-cells and prevents transmitting substance called norepinephrine.

Clonidine-for-ADHD in a webp image

This drug is readily absorbed in blood, and takes high-level of concentration in plasma in about 80 minutes’ time. This is a reason why Clonidine is widely used for treatment of ADHD among both children and adults.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.