One of the commonly experienced development conditions is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – in short, ADHD. Children who have it find it tough to remain focused. As a result, they may not do well at studies. Characteristic symptoms of ADHD are being hyperactive or impulsive, inability to pay needful attention, etc. In some, it may lead to restless legs syndrome, and can strain their relationships with others. Adderall is a popular med taken for treating ADHD; but, can you take it treat depression and anxieties? It is important to know more prior to starting your treatment.
There are many reasons for the onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – also called ADHD. Of the salient causes, genetic reasons fare on top. Hereditary factors play a key role in more than 70% of children who have this problem. Moreover, consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is also likely to cause it among newly born babies. In a few instances, exposure to pesticides or products of phosphates is known to trigger the onset of ADHD in some.
Administration of Adderall for ADHD
Adderall is a widely used drug for treating developmental disorders like ADHD. As an added use, the drug is also administered for treating conditions such as narcolepsy. The drug contains a combination of 2 chemicals viz., amphetamine and dextro-amphetamine. Both these ingredients act on the central nervous system; the key thing is these chemicals work on enzymes that cause hyperactivity and instantaneous action.
Adderall can turn addictive and can lead to habit formation. People who had earlier episodes of abuse of substances (like alcohol or other intoxicants) must consult with their caregiving team about the possible risks of addiction. It is also highly recommended to remain cautious about the onset of heart attacks/failures or strokes as the main ingredients work on select stimulants.
In this light, people living with high blood pressure or frequent spells of hypertension, cardiac attacks or recent heart attacks should tell your treating physician of their pre-existing illnesses. Those who took Adderall – without sharing needful information about such prior ailments – may either pass out or witness a fatal outcome.
Does Adderall help treat depression and anxiety?
The med has been administered in some rare occasions to treat depression and/or anxiety. Such doses had been given when other meds have yielded limited / no results. But, there is no solid evidence to indicate the efficacy of Adderall to treat mental conditions like anxieties / being depressed. You also need to know that intake of Adderall by people who have mood-related disorders may cause depression and anxieties in them.
Within the limited ambit of evidence, intake of stimulants such as Adderall is known to have improved motor function, moods as well as social relationships. Users also witnessed a marked increase in their energy level as well as psychomotor activities. As an added benefit, people reported with an enhanced memory function, a sense of euphoria and were able to concentrate/pay better attention to things they pursue.
This med may cause a few undesired reactions and adverse side effects; these include nausea, being restless, disturbed sleeping patterns, a few circulation-related problems, etc. Upon developing one or more of these side effects, you are advised to seek medical help on an urgent basis. If you are in the US, call 911 without delay. You can also reach out to the helpdesk of FDA in the US. Those who live in Canada need to rush to a poison control cell (closer home) or call Health Canada as quickly as possible.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.