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Does levothyroxine trigger hair loss blog image

An inadequate production of thyroid can cause many problems. This suboptimal secretion of this hormone is known as hypothyroidism. A lesser output of this essential hormone may trigger adverse effects on your cerebral wellbeing, muscular health and may also impact how your heart functions. Levothyroxine is a commonly prescribed med for hypothyroidism. But, does this med trigger loss of hair? It becomes an important thing to have needful details.

Your thyroid gland helps regulate how your body uses energies; made from foods you consume. This gland has a say on how effectively calories are burnt by your system, rate of metabolism, etc. Studies reveal that the gland also helps maintain body temperature. Humans have their thyroid glands located at the front-side of their lower necks. Hormone made in it directly enters into the bloodstream.

Your metabolism (its rate and efficiency) depends on adequate secretion of this hormone. Your energy level is directly influenced by adequacy of its production. In some people, this gland malfunctions and may not make needful quantity of it. As a result, your metabolism may slowdown and this slowing down may cause other clinical conditions.

Levothyroxine for the treatment of hypothyroidism

This med is commonly prescribed for the case management of hypothyroidism. Key chemicals present in it act as a replacement and make up for inadequate production of thyroid. As an extended use, levothyroxine is administered for managing cancers in thyroid gland.

Your physician will advise you to take this med orally. This is not an OTC product; its use is strictly under the guidance and supervision of your doctor. It is taken as a single dose within a 24-hour timeline; the best time to have it is an hour before breakfast. This med is also sold as a liquid (syrup) form; if you are using this form of levothyroxine, it is a safe practice to use the measuring spoon provided along with the pack. Use a spoon / ladle from your kitchen may cause an overdose.

Does levothyroxine cause loss of hair?

Yes, this med is likely to cause loss of hair. A partial loss of hair is witnessed in the initial months of your treatment. This is not a thing to worry about. Your worry grows back and gets back to a normal level over a period of time. You also need to know that loss of hair is common among those who live with a sub-optimally functioning thyroid gland. So, they are likely to witness an additional loss of hair upon taking this drug.

Loss of hair – on taking levothyroxine – is more common among teens and children. Apart from loss of hair, one may turn very sensitive to ambient heat, cramping of muscles (especially of legs), migraines, sudden changes in body weight, etc. These are not near-fatal or fatal. It is however a safe practice to talk to your doctor of such effects on an urgent mode.

On the other hand, if you are noticing severe side effects such as erratic heartbeats, respiratory conditions such as panting for breath or wheezing, seek medical support on an emergency basis. Call 911 if you are in US; if you are a resident of Canada, reach out to Health Canada on a top priority basis.

Other pointers – related to hypothyroidism – you need to stay aware of

Major symptoms of a possible thyroid problem include: disturbed menstrual cycles, frequent episodes of constipation, a sudden rise in cholesterol, dryness of hair and / or hair loss, etc. In a few people, an inadequate making of thyroid can lead to lapses of memory, joint pains, inflammation (puffed up) of face, swelling of thyroid gland (a condition labelled as goiter), etc.

It is possible for some babies to lie with hypothyroidism. Though the signs are far and few between, some babies may display a very slow rate of growth, feeding difficulties, sleepiness, etc. Upon witnessing one or more of these symptoms, it is a wise thing to talk to your caregiving team without much delay.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.