Presence of high level of cholesterol can lead to cardiac conditions such as heart failure. A blood test will show the extent of fats/lipids in your blood. Upon sensing sizable share of cholesterol, your caregiving team is likely to prescribe drugs that belong to a genre called statins. Lipitor is a widely prescribed med in this category. Together with a regulated diet program, Lipitor is known to decrease risks of cardiac arrests by lowering blood cholesterol. But, do statins such as Lipitor work better if you consume them at night? It becomes important to know more in this regard.
Statins are administered for the reduction of risks associated with heart conditions such as cardiac arrest as swell as strokes. Active ingredients present in these meds help reducing cholesterol levels in bloodstream; these drugs are also known to decrease the presence of lipoproteins in blood. Statins are known to lessen the aforesaid risks by as high as 30%. These meds may also decrease the odds of a second heart arrest or stoke by more than 35%.
If your blood has a pronounced presence of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, in short) or a “bad” type of cholesterol, your caregiver may prescribe a statin. Lipids often form a thickened wall / a plaque on the side walls of your blood vessels. In this light, statins such as atorvastatin inhibit enzymes in your liver – which make cholesterol.
What is Lipitor?
This is a branded form of the generic drug called atorvastatin. This med works by lowering “bad” cholesterol (i.e., LDL) and thus brings down overall cholesterol level in your blood. Lipitor is also known to decrease triglycerides and also increase the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL). Thus, plaques formed inside your blood vessels are likely to get stabilised which leads to lesser risks of cardiac arrests.
Do statins like Lipitor work better if you consume it at night?
There are no scientific evidences to prove an increased efficacy of Lipitor if it is taken at night. In general, this statin can be administered at any part of the day. However, statins with half-life spanning 5 hours or less may need to be consumed at bedtime. In case of Lipitor (atorvastatin), its half-life hovers at 14-hours. Half-life of most of its key metabolites is more than 22 hours. Owing to its relatively high half-life, it may be taken any time of the day.
Thus, half-life determines when a statin needs to be taken. It is a good practice to check with your treating doctor of such details. For statins with shorter half-life, your doctor may recommend taking them at evening/night times; it is the time when the enzymes that make cholesterol are active.
In general, statins – such as Lipitor – are well-tolerated. However, in some cases, users have reported a few side effects. These may show up as: sleeplessness/insomnia, frequent spells of migraines, being dizzy or drowsy, muscular pains, abdominal discomforts such as nausea, formation of gas, vomiting, difficulties to pass stools, etc. Most of these are considered as common side effects.
A few pointers you might need to know about statins
If you notice a few severe side effects viz., swelling of muscles (myositis), a spike in CPK levels, softening of muscles or joint pains, you are advised to talk to your caregiver without much delay. Moreover, the intake of statins may lead to a few birth-related effects; hence, women who are pregnant are not advised to take this med.
People who drink more alcohol or have prior conditions such as neuromuscular conditions or low levels of thyroid production must inform their caregiver of such conditions; your doctor may administer safer alternatives.
Information provided here is only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting the intake of this drug is safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.