An increase in blood pressure is termed as hypertension. It denotes persistent spell of an elevated pressure level in your blood vessels. Hypertension signifies the presence of enhanced levels of risks for onset of strokes, heart diseases, coronary artery problems, etc. Major risk factors include consumption of fried foods, pursuing a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and an increased intake of alcohol. In fact, increased blood pressure level has emerged as a leading cause for death in many parts of the world. It is necessary to explain how hypertension, heart disease and stroke are related.
Blood pressure reading is measured as systolic and diastolic pressure points. Of these two readings, the systolic pressure denotes the maximum level while diastolic reading signifies the minimum point. Diastolic pressure at nearly 80 mmHg is taken as a normal reading. In case of systolic pressure level, normal is defined as 120 mmHg. People who have levels in excess of 130/90 mmHg consistently may be living with a condition called hypertension.
You may need to know high blood pressure is a common thing in people living with diabetes. It is common among caregivers to prescribe drugs and also make changes in habits. These changes may include signing up with a tobacco cessation program, eating a healthy and balanced diet as well as pursuing a regular workout plan.
How hypertension, heart disease and stroke are related?
Yes, high level of blood pressure is related to the incidence of stroke and heart disease. This chiefly because high pressure makes your cardiac system to work under greater level of stress. If left untreated, this condition can often lead to near-fatal or fatal outcomes.
One of the underlying reasons is hypertension makes your arteries to turn narrow. This often restricts the flow of blood. At times, fully blocked arteries may trigger a complete stoppage of blood flow. Once flow of blood is restricted or stopped, essential organs of your system are deprived of oxygen. This is a key reason for the incidence of heart disorders and stroke.
Also, hypertension makes it tough for the heart muscles to pump needful amount of blood. Over a period of time, muscles of your cardiac system may thicken with continuously extra work. In some people, a condition called left ventricular hypertrophy or LVH ensues.
LVH as well as coronary heart disease (in short, CHD) – both are conditions commonly related to hypertension – can further lead to incidence of stroke. In some cases, one may experience sudden death. In the US, nearly 700,000 adults die due to heart problems per annum.
Hypertension and heart disease may affect both genders alike. Those who are of excessive weight (obese), those who smoke, those leading a sedentary lifestyle and people who consume foods with marked presence of fats or oils in them are more vulnerable to these risks.
How to know the incidence of hypertension and heart disease?
The symptoms are quite revealing. However, no two persons living with hypertension may have the same type of symptoms. Common signs of heart disease caused by hypertension include pain in your chest, inability to breathe freely, coughing persistently, being tired, a marked loss of appetite level, inflammation of ankles or legs, etc.
Upon sensing one of more of these symptoms, you are advised to seek medical help on an emergency basis. If you are in US, dial 911 quickly. You can also seek needful clinical support from a healthcare setting like a hospital or clinic. Those who live in Canada must seek help through Health Canada. You may also rush to a nearby poison management unit on an emergency mode.
Last but not least, talk to a qualified medical practitioner or a heart specialist. They are better placed to explain how hypertension, heart disease and stroke are related and why.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.
Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from New York University. Experience: 5 years of experience writing for physiotherapy and sports medicine blogs, providing expert insights on injury prevention and rehabilitation.