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How long Fluconazole takes time to work image

Fungal infections can show up a yeast formation on oral organs, food pipe, near abdomen and other regions such as lungs. A timely treatment of such infections is highly recommended. Failure to offer needful care can lead to complications that can be near-fatal or fatal. In this light, your caregiver is likely to prescribe antifungal meds. One such med is fluconazole. This med is commonly used for the treatment of yeast infections of vaginal area, oral parts such as tongue and throat. But, how long does it take for the med to start working? It is essential to know more on this front.

Several forms of fungi live in a person’s body. These may be present in smaller quantities inside your gastric tract, mouth and other oral parts. As long as they remain under the normal level, there is seldom any problem or infections. However, in some cases – with ambient conditions turning right, fungi (such as candida) may grow to a larger count. Once their count goes beyond control, it causes fungal / yeast infections.

A condition causes by the exponential growth of candida is known as candidiasis. Occurrence of this infection in your mouth is called oral thrush. It is a common thing to occur among older people, newly born infants as well as among those with a compromised immunity level. People who are wearing dentures or those who live with autoimmune disorders such as diabetes mellitus are more likely to witness such infections.

Upon seeing a few of its characteristic signs, it is a good practice to talk to a qualified medical specialist. The typical signs include development of oral cracks (especially, at the corner of your mouth), sore throat, discoloration of mouth, formation of red colored patches on tongue, etc. Your caregiver may administer drugs such as fluconazole (or a few similar drugs) to treat these infections.

What is fluconazole?

This drug is a well-known med for treating yeast / fungal infections. Key chemicals of this med are known to stop the growth of a few categories of fungus. Fluconazole forms part of a genre of drugs known as azole antifungal meds. It is usually taken through the oral route; it can be taken either before or after a meal.

Your dosage plan depends on factors such as body weight, age and how acute is the fungal infection.  In case of people aged less than 18 years, strength is based in your weight. In case of a moderate case of infection, a dose of 150 milligrams (mg) is prescribed. However, maximum permissible dose – for patients 18 years and below – is never to cross 600 mg limit in a day.

How long does it take for this drug to start working?

One dose of this med may not be sufficient to treat the signs of infections. In general, 3 doses – offered as consecutive dosages – offered once in 3 days offers needful relief within 10 to 15 days’ time. If the signs of infections do not subside, it is a safe practice to take it daily for a period of 9 to 11 days. In some rare cases, dosages are continued for more than 3 months – with a dosage frequency of one every 7 days.

This drug may also be offered to treat cancer patients who are known to have weak immunity levels. Also, instances wherein you are offered bone marrow transplants, your immune system may weaken to a substantial degree. Onset of fungal infections in such patients can also be treated with a dosage plan of fluconazole.

This antifungal med may cause a few side effects; commonly seen adverse effects are pain in lower abdomen, discharge of loose stools, migraines, being dizzy as well as an altered sense of taste. Upon sensing one or more of these signs, it is a good practice to talk to your treating doctor / pharmacist on a top priority basis.