Your skin is one of the largest organ of your body. It does several vital activities. For instance, it safeguards you from foreign bodies or threats. It also helps keep your system at the right temperature. Above all, it is works as one of your sensory organs. Changes occurring on your skin can be a sign of a health condition. You need to know that your cardiac system circulates blood all through your system including to the skin. In this milieu, what is heart disease rash? It makes a lot of sense to know more on this.
Heart disease has emerged as a key health problem all over the world. These diseases include erratic heart beats, muscle-related problems, arterial diseases like coronary artery-related diseases, etc. A few heart diseases may be present during you are born, and these are called congenital heart disease. If left unattended, heart disorders can lead to near-fatal and fatal outcomes.
Cardiac dysfunction shows up through several signs and symptoms. These are pain in your chest area, tight feeling in your chest, gasping or panting for breath, numbing of arms and legs, being weak or feeling of pain. In some cases, your legs and arms may turn cold. Coldness of limbs may occur when arteries tend to narrow and thus restrict the flow of blood to such parts.
Heart diseases afflict millions all over the globe. At acute stages, these diseases lead to onset of strokes, heart attack or failure. Several risks factors have been identified. Salient ones are high blood cholesterol, smoking and high blood pressure.
Congestive heart failure rash
A few changes on your skin are indicative of possible heart diseases. Some of these signs are visible to your eye. You are advised to take such signs seriously if they persist for long. In such cases, you are advised to meet a caregiver.
One of the leading signs of a cardiac condition is the formation of purple or blue netted patterns on skin. This is indicative of a block in an artery. These patterns are likely to occur when your skin turns excessively cold. When you warm your body up, such patterns may disappear. In medical terms, it is referred as cholesterol-embolization syndrome. This may cause damages to an organ or tissues.
Reddish or brownish spots on palms or soles: These are indicative of a likely infection in your blood vessels or cardiac system. These spots are an outcome of medical condition known as infective endocarditis. However, these spots or heart disease rashes are often painless. With proper treatment, these spots can be treated with medications. In such cases, it is quite likely these spots and rashes may go away on their own.
In some instances, heart disease rashes of the non-itchy form may show up. These are flatter spots that may occur with upwardly raised edge. This heart disease rash is indicative of a condition called rheumatic fever. You are advised to start needful treatment as quickly as you possibly can. If left unchecked, this condition may lead to a few other health conditions.
If you child develops these rashes, it can be chronic heart condition. It is helpful to remember that incidence of this rheumatic fever can lead to heart diseases among younger adults as well as children. In clinical parlance, it is called erythema marginatum.
Some children may also develop cracked heart disease rash with inflammation and bleeding. This is condition called Kawasaki disease. It mainly affects arteries of children aged between 7 months to 4 years. Though such rashes may disappear in a few days’ time, the risks of a heart diseases are quite high. In order to know more on heart disease rash, it is a good practice to talk to a qualified heart doctor.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.
Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from New York University. Experience: 5 years of experience writing for physiotherapy and sports medicine blogs, providing expert insights on injury prevention and rehabilitation.