Movement of calcium in cells of blood vessels and cardiac muscles can help dilate your blood vessels. This is what calcium channel blockers do. Dilated vessels can make more blood to flow; more blood flow in turn facilitates better availability of oxygen to all parts. In the process, your system is likely to witness reduction in hypertensive spells. Owing to this, calcium channel blocking meds are largely used to control blood pressure level. Amlodipine is a widely used drug under this genre. But, how effective is it against hypertension? You are advised to know more on this if you are living with spells of hypertension.
Calcium channel blockers are prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. It includes intake of salt-less as well as oil-free foods, working out regularly, leading a stress-free way of living, etc. In order to have a tighter control on blood pressure level, you are advised to follow these good practices regularly. Drugs such as amlodipine are prescribed to bring about greater control of hypertension. This med is also used for the prevention of chest pain (clinically known as angina). It is important to take this drug as per the instructions of your treating physician. In other words, it can be dangerous to take it through the self-medication route or as an over the counter med.
How effective is amlodipine in controlling blood pressure?
Amlodipine is a popular medicine used for the control of high blood pressure. It is known to be very effective to treat people living with chronic spells of high blood pressure. Calcium ions / calcium-based substances present in your cardiac system can shrink your vessels. Such contraction can result in reduced flow of blood, increase in blood pressure as well as make way for chest pain. Once these ions are blocked or inhibited, your vessels will witness a dilation or expansion. Expanded walls of blood vessels are good news for better control of blood pressure.
It is important to take amlodipine at the same hour on all days of your medication plan. Irregular intake of this drug can cause drop in efficacy, and may not bring about a complete cure for hypertension. Those living with congestive cardiac conditions such as defibrillation or myocardial infarction must make their caregiver know of such prior conditions. Also, amlodipine must not be taken when you are living with liver conditions. So, those living with cirrhosis of the liver or inflammation of liver (also known as hepatitis) must inform their doctor of such hepatic conditions.
Your caregiving team may recommend a continued intake of amlodipine even after your blood pressure levels have reduced. This is because of the likely risks of a relapse of hypertension. So, it is highly recommended to continue taking this med till your doctor tells you to stop it. In most cases, a relapse may show up without any of the symptoms. Instead of being stunned by a sudden surge in blood pressure, it is always a safe practice to keep taking this med.
You can take doses of amlodipine either before or after a meal. Never take larger doses of this drug; always talk to your doctor about your dosages. It is unsafe to make any changes to your medication plan without having the consent of your treating physician. More importantly, it is essential to check your blood pressure level on a proactive manner. In some people, start of amlodipine doses may lead to a marked pain in your chest region. This is likely to go away as soon as the active ingredients are accepted by your system. However, if pains persist for long, talk to your caregiver on an urgent mode.
Side effects of amlodipine you need to stay cautious of
Foremost of all, tell your doctor if you have prior hypersensitivity or allergies to amlodipine. Upon having such prior allergies, your caregiver will prescribe safer alternatives to this med. Allergies may show up as skin problems (for instance, rashes, hives or itchiness), inflammation of lips or tongue as well as soreness of throat. In some rare cases, users with prior hypersensitivity encountered respiratory problems such as wheezing, gasping for breath or shallowness of breathing cycles. Consult with your physician immediately if you are noticing sharp pains in your shoulders coupled with abdominal discomforts such as vomiting or nausea.
Most common discomforts the first few doses of amlodipine may trigger include drowsiness, being dizzy, excessive levels of tiredness, pain in abdomen as well as a tingling sensation. These may disappear after a few days into your medication plan. But, if one or more of these discomforts are found to persist, talk to your caregiver as quickly as you possibly can. In some remote cases, amlodipine may cause a few adverse discomforts or acute side effects. These are acute levels of dizziness, being lightheaded or drowsy, intensive pain in the chest area, rapid heartbeats as well as a faster pulse rate.
Upon sensing one or more of these acute side effects, rush to a healthcare setting. Those in the US may call the helpdesk of food and drug administration (FDA) or can also reach out to 911 on an emergency basis. On the other hand, people living in any of the Canadian provinces may either contact Health Canada or establish quick contact with a poison control center near your home.
Likely risks of drug interactions
Stay aware of the possible risks of adverse interactions between amlodipine and other drugs. This calcium channel blocker may work adversely when co-administered with statins such as simvastatin, other blood pressure reducing drugs or meds which help boost cardiac wellbeing. In general, make a list of all the drugs you are currently taking. In this list, ensure to add prescription drugs, over the counter meds, protein supplements, nutritional aids, herbal products, dietary aids, etc. Once having given the list to your caregiver, never make changes to it.
In sum, amlodipine is used for treating hypertension. This drug helps block calcium ions / channels, making way for dilation or expansion of vessels. This action helps have a greater control over your blood pressure level. Amlodipine however must never be consumed if you are living with hepatic conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc. Your doctor may advise you to continue taking amlodipine to avoid likely risks of a potential relapse of hypertension.