meds are labelled as antibiotics. There are many types of antibiotic meds. A sub-genre called macrolide antibacterial meds are known to arrest further spread of infections triggered by bacteria. Azithromycin is a popular drug in this sub-genre. It obtained drug-approval of US-based FDA in the early 1990s. It is widely used for treating infections in lungs, skin-based conditions as well as sexually transmitted conditions. But, how long does azithromycin stay in your system? It is essential to have needful inputs prior to commencing your treatment.
What is azithromycin?
This med is an antibacterial med; it is administered for stopping the spread of infections caused by bacterial strands. Active ingredients of azithromycin are known to manage and arrest a range of infections viz., eye problems like reddening or inflammation, inner ear infections sexually transmitted infections, etc. This drug must not be taken if you do not have an infection triggered by bacteria. People who administer it – when there is no underlying infection – may make the microbes to turn resistant. Over a period of time, this antibacterial med may have no effect on microbes.
How long does azithromycin stay in your body?
Half-life period of a drug is a key factor that determines how long its key chemicals stay in your system. Azithromycin has a half-life of about 67.75 (~ 68) hours. Hence, it may take nearly 16 days – from the time of final dose – to eliminate the traces of the drug. The widespread absorption of azithromycin is often attributed as a main reason for such a long timeframe for complete discharge.
In simpler terms, the drug needs ~ 5.5 half-life cycles for its full elimination. In terms of hours, it is about 375 hours (i.e., approximately 15.6 days). A good thing about such a long half-life is – azithromycin may continue to work for nearly 4 – 5 days’ time from the time of your final dosage.
Its extensive concentration level in tissues is another reason for the long time it takes to discharge all its traces. This is not the case with other drugs; most meds may only have a sizable concentration in blood. This is a major factor behind their ability to get eliminated quicker (than azithromycin).
The stretched half-life of azithromycin is also a reason for its effectiveness against sinus-based infections, lung-infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. However, those who have a clinical history of cardiac ailments (like heart attacks, cardiac arrests, myocardial infarction, etc.) must stay away from this med. It is a safe practice to have your doctor updated of cardiac dysfunction, if any.
Safe use of azithromycin
Prior to commencing your treatment plan, it is a vital thing to inform your treating doctor of earlier episodes of hypersensitivity and / or allergies. If you had witnessed discomforts and / or side effects caused when you take drugs like clarithromycin, telithromycin, erythromycin, etc., your caregiving team need to be updated of such facts. Moreover, if you are living with any liver-based disorders – like cirrhosis or swelling of liver (hepatitis), it is unsafe to use this drug.
Those who develop stomach problems or abdominal conditions are advised to have their dose with milk or meal. Also, this med is not an over the counter (OTC) medication. Its use is under the guidance and supervision of a certified healthcare professional.
While using azithromycin, if you encounter a feeling of tightness in your chest region, severe episodes of migraine, discharge of watery stools, etc., inform your caregiver without much delay. Serious side effects may show up in some rare instances; these are a marked drop in appetite, darkening of urine, overall weakness and/or tiredness, symptoms of jaundice (like yellow-coloration of your eyes), etc. Upon noticing any of these severe reactions, call 911 (if you are in US) or establish quick contact with Health Canada (if you are residing in any of the Canadian provinces).
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.