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How-long-does-clarithromycin-stay-in-your-system in a webp image

Antibiotics are antibacterial drugs. These drugs work to stop infections caused by bacteria. Some antibiotic meds can arrest the growth of bacteria while others kill these infection-causing organisms. You need to know that antibiotics are not effective for viral or fungal attacks. Clarithromycin is widely prescribed med in this genre. Do you know how long does clarithromycin stay back in your system? It is a good practice to know more.

Use of antibiotics became popular with the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in the late 1920s. These meds are chiefly used to halt the progression of bacterial infections. When the infection-causing bacterial strand remains unidentified, your caregiver may prescribe antibiotics of a sub-genre of broad-spectrum. However, once the identity of the infectious strand is established, a more definitive treatment is initiated.

As the symptoms of viral and bacterial infections are almost similar, it takes an experienced caregiver to diagnose the root cause. Intake of excessive doses of antibacterial meds can render them powerless, as microbes soon develop resistance. Owing to these, it is always a safe thing to use antibiotics under the supervision of a qualified medical professional.

So, what is clarithromycin?

This is an antibiotic drug. It is administered for a wide range of infectious conditions caused by bacteria. Clarithromycin is effective in treating skin-based conditions, respiratory infections like pneumonia, throat infections (for example – strep throat), infections caused by H pylori, etc. You can take this antibiotic either before or after a meal. The typical dosage plan involves taking a dose once in 12 hours.

How long does clarithromycin stay in your system?

This duration for which drug (its key chemicals) stays back inside your system depends on the strength of dosage. The half-life of drugs and their active ingredients play an influential role in determining how long a medication stays back in your body.

Half-life of a lesser dosage form of clarithromycin – say, 250 mg – is 3.5 hours. This means if you are taking a dosage of 250 mg of clarithromycin, it may take more than 17 hours for your body to eliminate all of its traces.

Half-life of slightly-larger dosages – say, 500 mg – is more than 6 hours. So, if you take a dose of 500 mg, the drug is likely to remain for 36 hours. You also need to know that clarithromycin is processed by your liver as well as stomach. Nearly 21% of oral dosage is recovered as parent-compound and more than 17% in urine.

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Pointers you must know while using clarithromycin

Intake of clarithromycin at the same time helps get better outcomes. Duration of treatment and strength of doses depend on intensity of infections. You are advised to take this med till your medication plan is over. Stopping the use of these drugs once the signs cease to show up can be unsafe; you run the risk of a relapse when medications are stopped without talking to caregivers.

Prior to using clarithromycin, inform your doctor about liver disorders, renal dysfunction, cardiac ailments, etc. Information on prior ailments must be shared before start of dosage plans. In some users, antibiotics may lead to prolongation of QT cycle; if unattended, this may lead to erratic or abnormal heartbeats, acute levels of drowsiness, spells of fainting, etc.

In this milieu, you must know that a drop in potassium levels may also lead to prolongation of QT. It becomes important to tell your treating physician of other medications you are presently consuming, if any. If other dosage plans involve diuretics, these may trigger a drop in potassium. It becomes a vital thing to share details about such pills before taking clarithromycin.

Lastly, your doctor has prescribed clarithromycin after assessing your medical condition. If you wish to have additional information on how long does clarithromycin stay in your system, consult with your caregiving team.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.