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Plan-B image

Effective ways to stop unplanned pregnancies include use of devices, medications, etc. There had been many measures employed over many decades; however, safer alternatives are now available with relative ease. In this milieu, hormones-altering drugs are widely sold to restrict unplanned births. For those who have had unprotected sex, a few options exist as emergency-based measures. Plan B is one such option and is quite a popular one. However, how long do depressive spells plan B causes are known to last? It is important to know this before using this medication.

Of the various modes available to control unplanned pregnancy, Plan B is (generic: levonorgestrel) is commonly used. Those who intend controlling an unplanned pregnancy are prescribed with pills and meds that you take as part of a medication plan. On the other hand, Plan B is not taken regularly, like other birth control measures or contraceptives. If you are allergic or hypersensitive to this drug’s key ingredients (especially, levonorgestrel), you need to tell your caregiver of such allergic conditions.

Plan B for avoiding unplanned births due to unprotected sex

Levonorgestrel is cleared by drug authorising body – food and drug administration (FDA), in the US. This can be purchased as an over the counter (OTC) med. It is its easy availability that aids in managing emergency cases involving unprotected sexual intercourse. Plan B has the capabilities to stop ovaries from releasing egg/ovum; it can also prevent eggs from getting into your uterine tract.

Plan B is known to be effective in reducing odds of unplanned pregnancy; its efficiency level ranges from 61% to 92%. However, in a very small number of women – in the order of 1% to 2% – pregnancies have occurred despite using this drug. Its effectiveness is influenced by your menstrual or reproductive cycle. You doctor may tell you to use prior to ovulation; as eggs are released, a hormonal upsurge may make Plan B less efficient.

How long does depression triggered by use of Plan B known to last?

Yes, mood shifts including a feeling of being depressed is a side effect of Plan B. Such side effects are largely owing to a marked presence of progestin-levonorgestrel. This key ingredient is present at least 10x more than regularly-taken birth control pills i.e., those consumed on a daily basis.

The key ingredient – levonorgestrel – is likely to trigger some nerve-based side effects. These adverse effects may have a direct impact on your mental wellbeing; these are undesired effects like dizziness, feeling drowsy, and migraines/headaches. As a result of these, you may also turn irritable. In general, you may sense a general change in your moods.

Spells of mood swings – such as depressed or feeling very sad – are unlikely to last for long. In a matter of a few days’ time, you are likely to be relieved of these mental conditions. But, if you do not witness an improvement in your moods, it is a safe practice to consult with your treating physician without any further delay.

Last but not least, users of Plan B have reported of several other undesired side effects as well. Discomforts they experienced include abdominal conditions such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion as well as pain in abdominal area. Users may experience a marked change in menstrual periods.

It is essential to talk to your caregiver – as quickly as possible – if you are noticing any of the aforesaid side effects. It is of importance to know that intake of hormone-based contraceptive pills may also trigger mental conditions. However, these side effects may not be persisting for long. In case of continued spells of any of these conditions, reach out to 911 (if you are in US) or rush to a local poison control unit (if you are resident of any of the Canadian provinces).


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.