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Shrooms are commonly referred as magic mushrooms. These are categorized as psychedelic drugs or hallucinogens. Shrooms are capable of triggering changes to the way one sees and thinks. Though many psychedelic substances are banned in many parts of the world, their use for recreation is quite common. One needs to be aware of what these drugs do, and more importantly how long they last in your body. Read on for more details about these aspects.

Shrooms or magic mushrooms possess a substance called psilocybin. It is a natural form of hallucinogen and also acts as a psychoactive substance. Mushrooms that belong to the family called psilocybe are known to have this substance. However, there are more than 100 different types of mushrooms with differing levels of psilocybin in each.

Shrooms are not commonly found in domesticated vegetation; instead, they are often found in wild and minimally explored terrains. There are many ways to consume shrooms. They can be brewed as a potion, dried or ingested fresh. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accorded a therapy status to psilocybin. Its main use rests in the treatment of mental conditions such as depression. In spite of its medical use, this substance comes under the Controlled Substances Act. More precisely, it is categorized under schedule I of this act. Thus it is not legal to sell or have it in the United States.
For the use of patients, psilocybin needs to be bucketed under schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act. Such labelling enables administration of psilocybin for medical use. However many restrictions are put forth in light of risks associated with addiction.

Clinical use of psilocybin

It is used where conventional antidepressants have little use. For instance, psilocybin is administered onto patients suffering from cancers, and especially those who go through an existential crisis owing to terminal illnesses. One dose of this drug has had powers to elevate moods of cancer patients, and a sizeable number of patients have reported long-term effects. Clinical studies confirm patients’ ability to bid farewell to stress built-up over a period of 5 months and more. Possible uses are likely to arise as studies are exploring new applications. For example- shrooms are actively studied to minimize post-trauma stress and related disorders, substance abuse, etc.

Positive outcomes of taking shrooms

The near-term desired outcomes include peace of mind and happiness. This is expected in the first five to six hours of consuming shrooms. The very essence of taking shrooms is to boost your moods for the next few hours. The outcomes are described as feelings of love, nostalgia and peacefulness.

Over the longer term, the outcomes aimed-at are mental wellbeing, added self-esteem and confidence. In some cases, shrooms have also resulted in weaning addicts from substance abuse such as alcohol and other drugs.

Aftereffects of consuming shrooms

What happens to you after consuming shrooms can be categorized as longer-tenor, near-term-general and near-term impacts. Longer-tenor effects (experienced over a longer span of time) show up when you have used shrooms frequently. If you are a regular consumer of shrooms, your body unconsciously gets used to it. So, you may have to take a larger dose of shrooms to get the desired outcomes. The good news is – insensitivity to shrooms may only be a temporary thing. If you have stopped the consumption of shrooms, this insensitivity may vanish soon. But, a few changes may stay on for a longer time. These are (1) flashbacks – also known as persisting perception disorders and (2) persisting psychosis.

Flashbacks- These persistent perception-related problems may occur any time. Some users – who have used shrooms not so often – have also reported this effect. This effect will manifest as wild dreams, visual anomalies (trails of moving bodies), convulsions (almost similar to a stroke), etc.

Psychosis- It is fairly an unpredictable thing as to when one may experience this effect. It shows up through paranoid behavior, mood swings, mental disturbances, etc.
Near-term general effects are those that may differ depending on the type of shroom and its dosage level. These effects include nausea, spike in energy levels (including faster heart beats) as well as an altered view of perceiving things around. Near-term effects (occurring immediately after taking the drug) are insomnia, hypertension, increase in heart rate, etc.

Regardless of these effects – you are not advised to consume shrooms if a family member has clinical history of mental disorders like mood swings, schizophrenia, etc.

General precautions before taking shrooms

The drugs you may be currently consuming may also interact with shrooms. So, it is advised to take the guidance of a qualified physician to know the possible risks of drug interactions. If you are planning to get pregnant, already carrying or nursing a baby- it is not a good idea to take shrooms. If you are suffering from hypertension (systolic – above 140 and diastolic – above 90 in resting conditions), it is recommended not to take psychedelic drugs.

The drugs that may interact with shrooms are- SSRIs (the drugs falling under this genre can undermine the outcomes of shrooms), tricyclic antidepressants (such as amitriptyline), MAOIs, drugs such as ritonavir, etc.

How long do shrooms last in your system?

The effects of psilocybin may not start immediately after taking shrooms. Usually it takes about 25 to 35 minutes for the effects to show up. It is often the time taken for it to disintegrate into an active chemical (called psilocin). This broken down substance works on neurotransmitters and other related chemicals in your brain.

It takes nearly 1.50 to 2 hours for the effects of psilocin to attain their peak levels. The sum of all effects is present for five to six hours. It is the time taken for psilocin to blend with your blood and get eventually eliminated. But, a few reports indicate that users have also encountered mind-altering experiences (rewinding experiences or flashback episodes) for a longer span of time, after ingesting shrooms. A few researches done on users have spotted medium-term (spanning more than 12 months) effects on their behaviors.

Shrooms exit your system fast i.e., in a matter of 24 hours or so. However, shrooms may stay back longer if you are a habitual user. What happens in the interim – i.e., from the time you consume till the drugs are gotten away from your body? Shrooms – as mentioned – soon turn into psilocin; you will sense the effects as psilocin gets into your blood. The half-life of psilocybin is nearly 160 minutes (close to 3 hours). This is the time psilocybin takes to be reduced to half its initial level, and to exit from your blood stream. Studies reveal that as high as 90% to 93% of psilocybin exits out of your system in less than 15 hours. As a matter of fact, substantial part (nearly 94%) of psilocin gets out of your body in less than five (5) hours.

The five-panel drug test (a standard list of tests to check substance abuse such as opioids, marijuana or cocaine) – on blood samples – done after 24 hours of intake of shrooms may not be able to detect psilocybin; this is because your body may release the substance within 15 hours. However, tests done on urine samples may be able to detect traces for a fairly longer time. A few reports indicate that psilocin has been traced in urine samples after a day from the last dose of shrooms. On top of it all, samples of hair may contain traces of shrooms for a very long time; upto even 85 days. Hair samples are however never taken to check for likely abuse of shrooms.

There are many factors influencing the discharge of shrooms from your system. These include dosages taken, rate of metabolism and also a few genetic factors. It has been observed that some users have the genetic make-up to metabolize shrooms faster than others. Also, those who consume shrooms habitually are found to show traces of it for a longer time as compared to those who use it rarely.

Dosage of shrooms

Ensure that your use of shrooms is done under clinical supervision. It is recommended to take it in very small dosage levels, and space it out with proper time intervals. Clinical studies favor starting off with small doses; such dosage has fetched long-tenor effects on the users. On the contrary, long term effects are found to elude users who start consuming shrooms at large dosage level.

Also, those who started with lower dosage levels have reaped the positive outcomes of shrooms – in the form of constructive changes in their attitudes and behaviors.
Researchers of shrooms provide needful inputs on how to start its dosage. The first dosage is advised at 0.8 gram and gradually increasing to 1.6 grams, and then to 3.2 grams. It is advised to limit maximum dosage at 4.8 grams. As a thumb rule, clinical researchers advise to start with 40% – 50% lower than what is believed as normal. This approach is known to have yielded best possible outcomes among users of shrooms.

Preparing well to take shrooms

Foremost of all, read a proper guide on shrooms and the likely outcomes its intake may trigger. Stay aware of the changes in your way of thinking, feeling and experiences you may encounter after taking shrooms. You may also need to know how to manage fears or stresses. It is required to have an open mind and be ready to fully yield to all the experiences shrooms may trigger in your body.

It is required to know that it is normal to have intensive effects to continue for nearly 10 hours and a different sensation is likely to overwhelm you for next few (at least 2) days. So, if you are intending to take shrooms, plan it on a Saturday so that you have a Sunday coming up next to take ample rest. It is extremely important to sleep uninterrupted for at least 8 hours before taking shrooms. It is equally important to have such deep sleep in the following night as well. It may do you good to make a playlist of music tracks for some eight hours. Use of earphones is found to manage environmental interactions in a better way. Better still – keep your loved ones’ snaps as well as things you enjoy looking at – for instance, flowers, memorabilia, presents, etc. You may also need to eat well before taking the dose. It is important to stay aware that you may either have a suppressed appetite or a complete loss of appetite after taking shrooms.

The best thing to do after taking shrooms is to hang out with loved ones or friends – if you aim to have some fun. On the other hand, if your idea is to seek meaning, stay secluded and spend time with deeper thoughts; looking at the mirror or at items that may trigger pleasant memories are also good ways to introspect.

Physical environment for a safe dosage of shrooms

The place where you take the dose plays an important role in enhancing shrooms’ capabilities. Ensure that the place of dosage does not have sharp objects or items with sharp edges and windows that can let people to pass through them. Make sure the day you are taking shrooms is free from any obligations and duties. As much as possible, take it in a familiar setting and preferably in a private place. Also, do not have any unfamiliar people or undesired objects around you while taking shrooms.

In essence, shrooms get out of your body relatively soon. The average time is estimated to be less than 24 hours. But, if you are a habitual consumer of shrooms, it may stay back longer. Shrooms break down to form psilocin. Substantial part (nearly 94%) of psilocin gets out of your body in less than five (5) hours. On the other hand, psilocybin has a half-life of nearly 160 minutes (close to 3 hours). This is the time psilocybin takes to be reduced to half its initial level, and to exit from your blood stream. Studies reveal that as high as 90% to 93% of psilocybin exits out of your system in less than 15 hours.