There are many types of contraceptives i.e., birth-control measures available to prevent pregnancies. Modern methods are considered much safer than those used several decades ago. Hormone-based measures are widely used in this realm. Those who need contraceptives for an emergency, measures such as Plan B are available. However, you need to know how many times can you use Plan B? This becomes an essential point to avoid a needless pregnancy.
Plan B is based on generic drug called levonorgestrel. This is a widely used emergency contraceptive. It has the approval from federal drug authorizing body – the food and drug administration (FDA). In many instances, people use it as an over the counter (OTC) birth-control option. This contraceptive helps stop ovaries from releasing ova (eggs). Active ingredients control your eggs from entering into the uterine tract.
As the ovaries are allowed to release ova, cells in male’s sperm do not have eggs to fertilize. This is a key thing to prevent pregnancies. Plan B is considered an effective option to suppress pregnancy in women; the success rate hovers from 63 to 91%. However, in a few women (from 1 – 2%), pregnancies have occurred despite consuming this drug. Effectiveness of this med is influenced by periods i.e., menstrual cycles. It is known to work best if you take it prior to your ovulation process. But, if your ovaries have gotten eggs released, a spike in hormonal levels is noticed. Such conditions may make Plan B less effective.
How many times can one take Plan B?
There are no known limits on the number of times. You may use Plan B in as many instances you want to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Also, long term use of this med is unlikely to trigger risks to your wellbeing. Consistent use is not known to have a bearing on your fertility level. Moreover, regular use of this med is not linked to any neonatal defects among newly born babies; nor do new-borns develop any medical conditions if the mother had used Plan B repeatedly.
You need to know that Plan B is not a substitute to long-term and standard birth-control measures such as an intrauterine device (IUD), progestin-only tablets, oral-contraceptive options, etc. It is important to stay aware of the ineffectiveness of Plan B to protect you from sexually transmitted diseases or infections. In this milieu, contraceptives such as condoms are known to decrease the risk of such infections.
In general, your caregiving team may prescribe other standard contraceptives for long-term use. A safer option is insertion of an intrauterine device; such devices can be placed within 7 days from the time of an unprotected sexual act. The good news here is – this device can remain in your system for long and thus protect you from risks of unplanned pregnancies.
A few key points to remember when taking Plan B
Some adverse and unwanted side effects may arise when women use Plan B. These include abdominal conditions such as pains, nausea, indigestion / dyspepsia, discharge of watery stools or vomiting. If you have a drinking habit, odds of side effects like tiredness, drowsiness, being dizzy and muscular weakness are high. A few women – upon using Plan B – may notice a marked change in their periods i.e., menstrual cycles. During such occasions, they are likely to witness acute pain in their lower abdomen.
Lastly, you are advised to share the list of your existing medication plans with your caregiving team; this is a safe practice and helps prevent adverse drug interactions with Plan B. While making this list, ensure to add OTC meds, prescribed drugs and supplements of minerals, proteins or other essential minerals as well as herbal or dietary aids.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.