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Prednisone is a potent steroid-based drug, used for the management of a wide range of clinical conditions. The conditions it can treat include breathing difficulties such as bronchitis, asthmatic attacks or other forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD). In some severe cases of arthritis or joint pains, this corticosteroid is widely prescribed. Owing to its potency, it is always used as per the treatment plan. In this light, it becomes important to know the right dosage level of prednisone. It also becomes important to know the optimal dosage level for treating allergic conditions.

Prednisone has a fairly wide range of therapeutic properties. This drug belongs to a category of meds known as corticosteroids. It may be prescribed either as a stand-alone med or along with other drugs. Prednisone is available as a pill and as syrup. For oral intake, the drug is available in dosage strengths of 5 mg to 20 mg. Your dosages may vary based on the severity of your autoimmune condition as well as a few other factors such as your age, body weight, etc.

Prednisone also contains a few other ingredients – like sodium benzoate, lactose (in an anhydrous form), silica (as a colloidal variant) and chemicals such as magnesium stearate. This drug is used for the treatment of allergic reactions – for example, contact dermatitis as well as atopic forms of dermatitis (both involve swelling of your skin), allergic rhinitis, runny nose as well as sneezing. In some cases, it has also been administered onto people living with serum sicknesses, turning hypersensitive or allergic to other drugs. As an extended use, prednisone has also been used for treating allergies in the eyes; these are ulcers in cornea, conjunctivitis caused by allergies, inflammation of the iris as well as swelling of your optical nerves.

What is the dosage level of prednisone for treating allergies?

High potency of prednisone makes it important to take it in moderation. The first few doses (at the starting time of the medication plan) may have to be restricted to as low as 5 mg for a few days. If your body is not developing any major adverse reactions, the dosage values are gradually increased. Apart from these, presence of prior ailments as well as severity of allergies may also influence the dosage plan, its duration and strength of doses. Upon starting your dosages, you are likely to witness some relief from allergies. But, if you are not experiencing any relief, you may need to talk to your treating doctor and / or pharmacist without delay.

The maintenance dose is altered (lowered or increased) based on your recovery rate. Your treating doctor will keep a close watch of your progress as well as dosages. If the progress is not seen as satisfactory, dosages are gradually increased during your treatment plan. Also, it is very important to taper off dosage strengths towards the end of your medication plan. This is done mainly because – a sudden discontinuation of the dosages can only lead to withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, shakes, increase in body temperature, being restless or anxious as well as sleepless. Those with a likely endocrinal problem, an alternate-day dosage plan can be administered. Here, a dose of 2X your daily dose is consumed – but, on every alternate morning. This plan provides a long term dose and also reduces risks of stunted growth among teens – mainly due to suppression of the pituitary gland.

Likely side effects of prednisone

Oral intake of this corticosteroid may cause a tilt in the balance of microorganisms in the mouth. As a result, you may encounter oral problems such as white patches or thrushes. In some remote instances, oral intake of prednisone has caused soreness of throat, abdominal problems such as nausea or vomiting and diarrhea due to indigestion. Some of the side effects associated with your gastric system include heartburn, acid reflux, gas formation, etc.; owing to such effects on your gastric tract – these may also trigger an episode of constipation / difficulties to discharge stool. You may be advised to drink sufficient amount of water every day. You may also talk to your dietitian and know which foods can help ease up your stools. Foods that have abundant levels of fibers in them are known to boost bowel movements. Foods such as bananas, apples and other juicy as well as fiber-rich fruits are consumed to reduce risks of constipation.

Other likely discomforts and side effects

Intake of prednisone may also trigger blurring of eyesight, dizziness, headache, inability to fall asleep as well as a few other sleep related disorders. Most of these side effects may cease to show up when your system gets used to the active ingredients / chemicals. However, if any of these discomforts are persisting for long – say, for more than a week or 10 days – it is highly recommended to consult with your caregiving team.

Needful precautions

People with prior clinical conditions may have to inform their caregiving team about such ailments. Especially, those with slower rates of wound healing, convulsions or fits, thinning of skin, etc. may have to keep their doctor aware of such problems. Also, those who encountered a recent heart attack or hepatic conditions like cirrhosis, inflammation of liver, hepatic injuries, etc. – must share more details about such conditions with their doctor and / or pharmacist.

Those who are planning to opt for a surgical intervention or a dental procedure must tell their caregiving team about intake of prednisone. It is a safe practice to stop taking it during the run-up to your surgery or a dental procedure. Last but not least, people living with an altered level of potassium or calcium in their blood must inform about such imbalances.

In sum, first few doses of prednisone are restricted to 5 mg during the initial days of your medication plan. Upon sensing any discomforts or adverse side effects, your doctor may prescribe safer alternatives. However, if your system does not develop any major side effects, dosages are gradually enhanced. Soon after commencing your dosage plan of prednisone you are likely to experience some relief. Those who do not witness a relief must consult with your caregiver on an urgent basis.