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How much time does it take for metronidazole

Antibiotic meds are commonly administered to control the progression of bacteria. When such microbial progression / growth are left untreated, it can soon turn into serious infections. Timely management of such conditions is required to stop the onset of microbial infections. However, use of antibiotics for infections triggered by fungi or virus does not have much effect. Moreover, microbes may turn resistant to antibiotic meds, if used needlessly. Among the various types of antibiotic meds, metronidazole is a popularly used med. But, how long does it take for this med to work? It is essential to know more on this front.

Metronidazole is a commonly used antibiotic drug. It is administered for the treatment of infections caused by bacterial strands; this med is known to treat skin infections, vaginal problems caused by an imbalance of bacteria, infections of the gastric channel and other essential parts like liver, heart, brain lungs, etc. In a few instances, this drug is administered for treating sexually transmitted diseases / infections as well.

How much time does it take for metronidazole to function?

This drug is known to start working within 60 to 90 minutes from the time of your dose. The key aspect is its active ingredients are known to get absorbed almost immediately; as a result, you are likely to witness maximum presence within half-hour to 60 minutes. Owing to its fast action, you are more likely to see relief from bacterial infections in less than 24 to 36 hours’ time. You may sense a marked improvement in the characteristic signs of infections.

In some cases: owing to its rapid action and relief obtained in less than 36 hours, a few people may stop using this med without telling their doctor. This is not a good practice. Those who stopped their dosage plan (without their doctor’s consent) are likely to witness a relapse of microbial infections. Hence, it is highly recommended to continue the medication plan as per your doctor’s instructions i.e., till your doctor tells you to discontinue it.

Other safety precautions associated with the use of this med

This med is not an over the counter (OTC) drug; hence, it is a safe practice to administer it as per instructions of a qualified caregiver. Also, this drug is unsafe when used on children as well as teens. Moreover, among teenaged girls – especially those have not reached puberty; this drug is not administered for treating vaginal infections.

Your caregiving team and pharmacist need to be informed of all prior medical conditions like liver dysfunction (inflammation of the liver and / or cirrhosis of liver), rapid / abnormal heartbeats (a condition termed as arrhythmia), incidence fungal infections, a decrease in red blood cells (anemia) and / drop in count of white cells. In all such cases, your doctor may prescribe safer alternatives for the case management of bacterial infections.

Intake of alcohol along with metronidazole is an unsafe practice. Your treating doctor will ask details of your drinking habits. This drug is seldom administered onto people who recently took an alcoholic beverage. If you notice side effects such as muscular cramps, stomach related problems such as vomiting, nausea, and dyspepsia (indigestion), tell your caregiver as quickly as possible.

Incidence of acute episodes of headache / migraine or serious spells of muscular stiffness must also be reported with immediate effect. Those who live in the US are advised to dial 911 or call the helplines of the FDA. Those who live in any of the Canadian provinces are recommended to call Health Canada or rush to a poison control unit functioning closer to where you live.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.