There are several types of drugs available for the treatment of vertigo. People with vertigo are likely to experience a few discomforting signs such as dizziness, inability to maintain balance and nausea. Betahistine is a widely used drug for vertigo. Its use is mainly prescribed for reducing nausea, dizziness and discomforts in your inner / middle ear. This drug is administered for the treatment of Meniere’s disease, which is essentially an inner ear condition – this often leads to vertigo and a few other discomforts associated with it. Meniere’s disease is chiefly related to a change in pressure levels of your inner ear. This change in pressures is instrumental in causing vertigo. But, is betahistine available in the US? It becomes vital to know more details about this drug and its availability.
Vertigo is a treated based on its effects, and the dosages are altered depending on the discomforts you experience during such conditions. Your doctor may closely examine and observe your condition; in most cases, discomforts such a dizziness may disappear within a short span of time. The effects may cease to show up when your nervous system and cerebral activity make needful adjustments in accordance to changes in the middle or inner ear. Your body’s resilient, vestibular system makes you to adjust and thus an overall balance is restored. In this milieu, your vestibular mechanism plays a very crucial role. Its key function is to keep your body in a balanced condition, especially against gravitational pull and other such forces.
A few other reasons for the incidence of vertigo
Vertigo may also occur when your middle or inner ear has a build-up of calcium in it. Experienced neurologists or therapists can advise you about how to make a few movements, to make these calcium blocks to get re-absorbed. These movements are often done with your head as well as a few parts of your body, such as neck, etc. In fact, the American academy of neurological sciences recommends such movements to ease away deposits of calcium from the inner parts of your ears. These are fairly easy to learn and are known to be effective in removing canalith – i.e., calcium deposits – from your inner ears. Surgery is not an option to treat vertigo. But, in some very remote cases, your treating physician may recommend a surgical intervention. However, such incisive options are reserved for acute conditions, and especially, those caused by cancers in the brain and / or neck regions.
During the onset of vertigo, you are likely to witness excessive spells of sweating, jerky movements or shifty eyeballs, acute spells of migraines / headaches, ringing inside the ears – especially, the inner ear, a few abdominal discomforts like nausea and vomiting. In most cases, these spells may last for a few minutes to over several hours.
Betahistine for the treatment of vertigo
Betahistine is commonly used for treating dizziness and other discomforts associated with the onset of vertigo. It is highly recommended to take this medication as per the instructions of your treating physician or a pharmacist. While you are taking this med, it is not a good practice to stop using it all of a sudden. An abrupt discontinuation of this drug can lead to a possible relapse of the dizziness and other signs.
Is betahistine available in the US?
The drug was used widely for treating dizziness and inner ear problems. However, the supply and sale of betahistine in the US stands restricted as it is now considered as not so effective to treat vertigo. But, it is freely available in many countries across the world. In most markets where it is sold, it has to be accompanied by a prescription of a qualified medical practitioner. For instance, in countries like the UK, this drug is sold as a prescription medicine – available in drug stores. You can also order this drug through online vendors or pharmacies. It is essential to check if the online pharmacy – where you are ordering from – is a credible agency. In some stray events, online stores have sold user information and also have shared your purchase details with other vendors. It is hence a good practice to check the credentials of vendors, read user reviews and third party certifications – if any, prior to placing orders for betahistine through the online mode.
Safe dosage levels
It is equally dangerous to use this drug when you are not experiencing the typical symptoms of Meniere’s ailment or disease. Intake of betahistine – i.e., if taken unnecessarily – can trigger a few signs of vertigo such as hearing difficulties, nausea and other problems associated with your middle / inner ear. Your treating physician may advise a dosage of 24 milligrams (mg) over a 24-hour period. This dosage level is a standard dose for minor to moderate spells of Meniere’s disease. This standard dose of 24 mg is often administered in two or three sub-divided doses.
Your doctor or pharmacist may advise you to evenly distribute each dose; it is a good practice to space-out each dose by at least 8 hours. In case of a 24 mg dosage, each sub-dose needs to be capped at 8mg. You need to remember that the highest possible dose within a single day must never breach the 48 mg mark. In case you are advised to consume 48 mg, this is also divided into three equal doses of 16 mg each, and is administered thrice every day.
What are the likely side effects triggered by the intake of betahistine?
Side effects triggered by the intake of betahistine can be – at times – acute. However, not all people who took this drug developed adverse side effects. Also, those who witnessed some minor discomforts seldom encountered serious side effects. Most common discomforts associated with taking betahistine are heartburn, headaches, abdominal discomforts such as flatulence, nausea, bloating, gas formation, etc. If any of these discomforts persist for long, you are advised to talk to your physician soon.
In case of allergic reactions, it is important to share needful details about known allergies or prior episodes of hypersensitivity. People who are living with respiratory conditions such as bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) must keep away from taking betahistine. Similarly, people with chronic liver problems or possible damage of hepatic wellbeing must also stay away from this drug. Intake of this drug by people with hepatic conditions like cirrhosis of liver, swelling or inflammation of liver (i.e., hepatitis) can lead to active ingredients of this drug to get stored-up in your body. Unless the intake of betahistine is stopped, such accumulation may soon lead to toxicity.
As a precautionary measure, it becomes important to inform your medical team about treatment plans presently pursued as well as medications that you are currently taking. A few medications may adversely interact with active ingredients of betahistine. You are advised to make a list of all the drugs you are using now. While making this list, ensure to include over the counter meds, prescription drugs, dietary supplements as well as herbal meds.
In sum, supply of betahistine in US is restricted. Reports about its limitations in treatment of vertigo have mainly been the reason for such restrictions. This drug is however sold in many countries worldwide. Almost in all the markets, it is sold as a prescription medication; which means, intake of this drug is always under the care of a qualified medical practitioner. Users can buy this med through online pharmacies or vendors. Some online pharmacies have made user information available to third parties; in order to avoid such risks, check the credentials of the online pharmacy and read third party validations such as reviews before placing your order. Above all, if you develop any adverse side effects, it is highly recommended to consult your treating doctor or pharmacist. If one or more side effects are turning very acute and / or persistent for a few days, it is a good practice to seek clinical support in a healthcare setting.