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Acute forms of sinus infections are known to last for several weeks. On the other hand, chronic forms of sinus problems may take several months – at least 3 to 4 months – to go away. These are infections within the chambers or spaces found in between bones of facial bones. These may also spread to orbit of your eyes, forehead and cheeks. The typical sign is the formation of thick formation of mucus in between these chambers. These can form either due to bacterial or a viral attack. But, what is the best antibiotic to treat sinus infections / sinusitis? It is a wise thing to know more on this front.

Foremost of all, it is important to remember that the causes for sinusitis or sinus infections can be very many. In some cases, it can be due to a virus or in a few cases – it can be due to a bacterial strand. So, if the reason behind is not a bacterial strand, administration of antibiotics is unlikely to provide needful remedy. Also, medical research indicates that intake of antibiotics is not always the right way to treat sinus problems.

In most cases, especially moderate or milder forms of sinus infections may go off on their own. Intake of antibiotics may not be required in such cases; also, if you are administering antibacterial meds, it is highly possible to develop resistance to antibiotic meds. Also, the academy of allergy, asthma and immunology based in US notes that as high as 65% (almost 2/3rd of cases) is found to recover without using any form of antibiotic meds.

Use of antibiotics is mainly to treat typical bacteria-led attacks; the signs are often quite distinctive. These include an increase in body temperature, persistence of sinus infections for more than 6 days, etc. In some cases, typical signs of bacterial attack such as inflammation and / or swelling have been noticed.

Commonly used antibiotics for the treatment of sinus infections includes azithromycin, amoxicillin, etc. In some remote instances, drugs such as levofloxacin are used; but, the side effects they can trigger are often quite adverse. Hence, meds like levofloxacin are administered only when all other options have fetched limited / no relief from sinus infections. In general, you are advised to look out for pain at the bridge of your nasal region, discomforts at the upper mandible or jaw, post-nasal drips, congestion in your nasal pathways, softening of your facial parts such as cheeks, eyebrows or forehead.

Some people may have prior episodes of allergies or hypersensitivity to a few antibiotics – especially, penicillin-based meds. In such cases, you are advised to seek safer alternatives; treating doctors often resort to prescribing meds such as doxycycline for those who have known spells of allergic to penicillin and its derivatives.

The federal drug control authority – food and drug administration, FDA – has issued explicit caution against use of drugs like fluoroquinolones; these drugs are more likely to cause severe side effects. Hence, the intake of antibiotics needs to be under the supervision and guidance of a qualified medical specialist. Those who are already taking any antiviral or antibiotic meds need to make their treating doctor aware of all such drugs.

In general, it is a safe practice to tell your caregiving team of all drugs you are taking currently. It is a good thing to make a list of all the meds – including, over the counter drugs, prescription meds, herbal aids, dietary supplements, protein-fortified foods or mineral enrichments. Once you have shared the drug list, never make changes to it without telling your caregiver and / or pharmacist.