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Is-metronidazole-safe-in-pregnancy in a webp image

Antibiotics are administered for treating infectious conditions caused by bacteria. These meds can either block bacteria from growing or may kill them. You need to remember that the signs of a viral infections are similar to those caused by bacterial strands. Owing to this, understanding the underlying cause of a microbial infection becomes important. Intake of antibiotics for viral infections is of no use. Also, an excessive use of such meds can cause resistance among microbes. Metronidazole is an antibiotic med. But is metronidazole safe in pregnancy? You are advised to have more inputs about this.

Antibiotics are prescribed when your treating team suspects microbial growth as a likely cause for an ailment. Often times, treating physicians administer broad-spectrum antibiotics; this is dependent on the type of symptoms as well as signs. Upon identifying the microbe responsible for the infection, a more focused treatment approach is taken.

Antibiotics are commonly administered through the oral route. In case of deeper infections, such meds are offered as an injection or through the intravenous route. In the form of ear drops, these meds can treat conditions like swimmer’s ear or inner-ear infections. As an eye drop, antibiotics are prescribed for managing eye-related problems like conjunctivitis. These drugs are also sold as ointments; these are used for skin-based infections.

What is metronidazole?

This med is known for its antiprotozoal as well as antibacterial properties. It is administered both as a stand-alone medication and as a combinatorial treatment with other drugs. You can get metronidazole in many versions namely – as and oral pill, injection and also as a gel or cream. Physicians use it for treating infections caused by both gram-positive and gram-negative stands of bacteria. However, it has limited control over aerobic bacteria.

It is not advised to take alcohol with metronidazole. Combining this antibiotic drug with alcohol can produce disulfiram-type of reactions. As a safety measure, it is not advised to take alcohol within 50 hours of completing your dosage plan.

Is metronidazole safe in pregnancy 2nd trimester?

In general, caregivers do not recommend the use of metronidazole during the 1st trimester of your pregnancy. Its use during 2nd as well as 3rd trimesters is restricted to people whose palliative treatments remain ineffective or inadequate. Regardless of the trimester of pregnancy, it is important to consult with a qualified medical professional prior to using this med during pregnancy. It is equally essential to tell your doctor if you are pregnant before commencing the dosage plan.

Some studies indicate a likely link between birth defects and intake of meds like metronidazole. In a few cases, complications such as pre-term deliveries have also been encountered. Your treating doctor is likely to prescribe this antibiotic only if the potential benefits far outweigh the likely risks of taking this drug.

Though the risks of miscarriage or birth-related problems are known to be quite low, it is a key thing to take the advice of a qualified clinical professional.


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Other useful points on the use of metronidazole

It is a key thing to inform your caregiver of your prior ailments; especially of diseases like renal problems, hepatic disorders (like inflammation of liver or cirrhosis), blood-based conditions like anemia or a lower count of white-cells of blood. On the same note, you need to update your doctor of infections caused by fungi or viral strands, and if you are taking meds like phenytoin or blood thinners like warfarin.

Users may experience adverse effects like loss of body weight, difficulties to pass stools, nausea, migraine, etc. Most of these side effects may go off on their own. But, if one or more of these discomforts persist for long, consult with your treating physician on a top priority mode. Lastly, you can talk to your caregiving team about – is metronidazole safe in pregnancy 2nd trimester, if you aim to know more.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.