When acids present in your gastric tract move up the food pipe (i.e., esophagus), they lead to a condition called acid reflux. This is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When there is an excessive build-up of acids, it can cause ulcers in your food pipe. If left untreated, ulcers may lead to autoimmune conditions such as cancers. Pantoprazole is a widely used drug, prescribed for the treatment of acid reflux. But, is this drug good for treating abdominal discomforts such as nausea? It becomes essential to know more on this, prior to starting your treatment plan.
Excessive presence of stomach acids can cause serious problems such as pain in the top part of your abdomen, ulcers and other discomforts. In clinical terms, this is called acid reflux or GERD. According to established agencies like the College of Gastroenterology in the US, more than 50 million people (in America) are likely to experience acid reflux at least once every month. Risk factors include excessive body weight, smoking or intake of heavy meals.
The problems triggered by GERD can be harmful as your food pipe does not have a protective lining (similar to your stomach). A valve at the end of the food pipe (known as sphincter) allows food to get into your tummy. When this valve loses its functionality (mainly among elderly people), contents of your stomach may climb up inside the food pipe. You may also encounter this condition when your diet is low on fiber, if you drink large quantities of carbonated liquids (such as soda), switching over to a lying down posture soon after consuming a large-sized meal, etc.
Use of pantoprazole
Pantoprazole is administered for treating the aforesaid medical condition and the discomforts associated with it. The usual dose is once within a 24-hour timeline. However, when there is a marked accumulation of acids, two doses are taken per day. This med is available with a delayed release formula; this action keeps the active ingredients secure from harsh acids inside your stomach. It is also available as granules – the release of this form is delayed to escape the effects of gastric juices / acids.
Pantoprazole tablets / pills can be taken either before or after a meal; however, granules are taken at least 45 minutes prior to a meal. For better results, it is important to take this drug at the same timeslot each day – all through your treatment plan. The pills need to be swallowed as a whole; never try to bite, crush or powder them inside your mouth. In some cases, a 40-mg dose of pantoprazole can make it difficult to swallow; in such instances, you are advised to split the tablet into two. In case of granules of pantoprazole, take it with apple juice and not with water / other fluids.
It may be necessary to continue taking this med – even after the apparent discomforts of acid reflux cease to exist. Treatment plans need to be fully adhered to; hence, never try to stop taking this med during the course of the dosage plan. This drug may cause a few side effects; these may include formation of gas, indigestion, migraine, feeling dizzy as well as intense spells of drowsiness. These are considered minor in nature, and may go away within a matter of few days. However, if they persist for more than 4 days, it is a safe practice to talk to your treating physician without much delay.
Can you take pantoprazole for treating nausea?
Medical studies – at a fairly advanced level – are underway to determine the efficacy of pantoprazole to treat nausea. There is fairly sizeable evidence for this drug’s ability to treat nausea. Of those who took the drug, women are known to get a better cure than men. Also, the results witnessed among elderly people (i.e., those aged above 60 years) and middle aged patients (i.e., 40 to 48 years old) are known to be more pronounced. It is important to share details about your current medications / treatment plans with your caregiver. Make a list of all the drugs you presently take; while making the list, care to include prescription meds, over the counter drugs, vitamins and / or protein supplements, herbal meds as well as dietary aids. Once shared, never make changes to the list of meds without telling your caregiving doctor.
It is equally essential to tell your caregiving team about prior allergies / hypersensitivity, ailments (such as lupus, hepatic disorders – like hepatitis and / or cirrhosis of the liver), etc. Those with liver conditions may observe a sudden loss of body weight, episodes of sweating, pain in the lower abdomen, etc. Also, if you are feeling lightheaded, dizzy or witness an inexplicable pain in your arms, chest or jaws, talk to your treating doctor about such discomforts without much delay.
Pantoprazole belongs to a class of meds known as proton pump inhibitors. Drugs of this genre are likely to cause bone loss – especially, among the elderly as well as in those who are taking it for a fairly longer span of time. It has been proven that taking pantoprazole for long may cause fractures as well as weakening of bones. In such instances, your caregiving team may prescribe supplements of vitamin D as well as dietary aids such as calcium citrate.
Among pregnant women, the use of pantoprazole for acid reflux or nausea is highly limited. The drug is administered only when there is an acute need for this treatment. You may also need to stay aware that the active ingredients of this drug can enter into mother’s milk. Infants who took such milk developed eating problems, sleeping difficulties as well as crying too frequently. Hence, mothers who are nursing or breastfeeding must tell their doctor about intake of this drug. Your treating physician may advise not to take proton pump inhibitors while you are nursing a new born baby.
In sum, pantoprazole belongs to a genre of meds known as proton pump inhibiting drugs. It is used for treating acid reflux / GERD; these are outcomes of acids moving backwards, into your food pipe. This drug is taken under the clinical supervision of qualified caregivers. Its use for nausea is being studied and many respondents have obtained relief from such abdominal conditions. However, it is highly recommended to consult with your treating physician / pharmacist prior to taking this drug to treat nausea and other abdominal discomforts such as vomiting, pain, cramping, etc.