Mental conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar conditions or depression can decrease your productivity levels sizably. Timely treatment is needed to set these mental conditions right. If left untreated, conditions like schizophrenia can impair your overall wellbeing. Drugs are administered to calm your nervous system and to bring about needful relief. Seroquel is a drug forming part of a genre called atypical antipsychotic meds. It mainly helps balance naturally-occurring chemicals like serotonin or norepinephrine in your brain and nervous system. But, does this drug help you sleep better than hydroxyzine? It is a wise thing to know more about this.
Mental conditions can show up a manic spells or as episodes of depression. These are likely to occur when there is an imbalance of chemicals called as transmitters in your brain and central nervous system (CNS). Restoration of the rightful balance is a prerequisite for your mental wellbeing. Drugs known as antipsychotic meds are commonly administered; such drugs help regulate your sleep patterns, control mood shifts, reduce the frequencies of such swings and also boost your energy level by boosting your appetite levels.
What is Seroquel and what is it used for?
The generic name of this drug is called quetiapine. It is used for treating manic disorders, anxieties, restlessness as well as bipolar conditions. The active ingredients calm your mind by striking the needful balance of neuro-transmitting substances. Once brain chemicals are at a right level, your mind eases, worries little and as result, you tend to sleep well. But, this drug is also known to trigger a few side effects. Common among such discomforts are drowsiness and / or dizziness, difficulties to pass stools, gain of bodyweight, blurring of eyesight, dehydration or drying of mouth. All these discomforts may cease to show up once your body gets used to the key ingredients of Seroquel. However, if one or more of these side effects persist, you are advised to talk to your treating doctor as fast as possible.
Precautions needed prior to using this antipsychotic med
Your caregiving team will advise you of a few precautions needed before starting to use Seroquel. Those with a medical history of eye problems such as cataract, and epileptic seizures, convulsions or thyroid related ailments, acute spells of constipation or internal blockages hindering bowel movements must keep their caregiver informed of their prior conditions. Also, those who have experienced any recent cardiac problems such as heart arrest, cardiac attack, hypertension (chronic increase in blood pressure level) or increased presence of lipids (high cholesterol in blood) must take needful safety measures prior to taking this antipsychotic drug.
More importantly, Seroquel can make your very drowsy; owing to this, you are advised not to use alcohol while having this med. Apart from alcohol, intoxicants such as cannabis or marijuana can also worsen your dizziness level. Tell your treating physician if you have a history of substance abuse. For the same reason, never drive, play adventurous sports like cycling, swimming or jumping, and also keep away working on heavy machinery. Elderly patients (those aged above 55 years) are at a greater risk of witnessing accidental falls. Also, aged people living with prolonged QT time-intervals are advised to consult with their doctor and pharmacist before starting your treatment plan.
Is hydroxyzine better in making you to sleep than Seroquel?
Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine medication used for managing spells of itchiness, allergic reactions like dermatitis, etc. Its main function is to stop the action of histamines which are allergy fighters which your body makes upon sensing a pollutant or allergen like dander, pollen, dust, etc. As hydroxyzine calms your mind, it is used to reduce episodes of restlessness and anxieties. It is also used as a sedative med prior to surgical procedures.
As compared to hydroxyzine, Seroquel is a very strong drug. A fairly small dosage of Seroquel can bring about deep sleep for several hours. In sum, Seroquel is many times stronger than this antihistamine. Not stopping with putting you to sleep, Seroquel also helps regulate your moods, energy levels and overall mental health. But, a larger dosage form of Seroquel can lead to a few aftereffects; these include being sleepy even after waking up, high level of drowsiness as well as dizziness. On the other hand, the good news about antihistamines (such as hydroxyzine) is, these drugs seldom make you feel sleepy once you have woken up.
Always remember to take either of these drugs under the supervision and guidance of a qualified medical specialist. Those who took more than 100 mg of Seroquel reported extreme spells of dizziness and sleepiness. On the other hand, typical dosage level of hydroxyzine is 50 mg. But, if you already taking any sleeping pills, variants of muscle relaxants, cough or cold meds, your caregiving team must be updated of such meds. Intake of sleeping pills along with either of these drugs can make you slip into a very deep sleep for a fairly long time! In some remote cases, larger doses (along with sleeping pills) have led to passing out of near-fatal outcomes like coma. Of these drugs, Seroquel may be habit forming and is also more likely to be abused.
Alternative measures to fall asleep
You also need to remember that Seroquel is not the first choice for treating spells of sleeplessness. However, this pill is prescribed when the benefits outstrip the risk of side effects or related discomforts. Sleep specialists also list alternative ways to fall asleep. These include keeping your room calm and cool, avoiding heavy meals prior to sleep time, listening to soft music, keeping away from light-producing sources such as cellular phones or TV during bedtime. There are also other approaches to make you go sleepy – these include prescription of melatonin supplements (this hormone is a sleep booster and a regulator of sleeping cycles), valerian root (which is endowed with adenosine as well as serotonin, to make you get needful sleep) and other herbal meds.
In sum, Seroquel is a stronger drug than hydroxyzine. Small doses of Seroquel can put you to sleep for many hours. Seroquel also can boost your mental health as well as regulate appetite levels, energies and moods. But, Seroquel can be habit forming; owing to this risk, it is not the first choice to insomniacs. There are also safer alternatives such as valerian root or supplements of melatonin. Prior to starting to take any of these, it is strongly recommended to talk to your caregiver and take needful safety precautions.