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Itchiness at the roof of your mouth may be a sign of infections. For some people, an itchy mouth may be a very rare occurrence. But, a few may develop this condition often as well as in regular intervals. You will benefit a lot by knowing the reasons why such itchiness occurs. It is also necessary to understand how to treat this medical condition.

Itchiness is a very common sign when your body encounters an allergen. It can be due to allergies caused by intake of some foods. Some people develop food allergies when they consume peanuts or fish (especially, shellfish). A few other conditions such as hay fever (triggered by pet dander, pollen grains, mites, etc.) can also make your body to itch. But, itchiness at the roof of your mouth is different.

So, when the roof of your mouth itches, it might be a localized condition i.e., this area of your mouth alone turns itchy. But, at times the other parts of your body may also experience itchiness. So, it is quite likely that you may experience needles and pins sensation in your throat, inner side of cheeks, etc. There are also instances wherein people have experienced itchiness on some parts of their face, for example – above their lips.

What causes itchiness at the roof of your mouth?

It becomes essential for you to know the triggers of itchiness, especially at the top portion of your mouth. There are several reasons why it can turn itchy. The common causes for this condition are listed here.

(a) Sores that accompany a common cold – Sores or blisters caused by cold (along with fever) are one of the major causes. Sores are attributed to traces of herpes virus. This strain of virus is known to be almost the same as virus that causes shingles, chicken pox, etc. These viral strains may often trigger a pins and needles feeling. In some cases, they can also lead to a burning or tingling sensation in and around your mouth. These symptoms are easy to detect. The spots where sores are very likely to form start getting tingled or may turn itchy. On these spots, sores may soon become crevices.

(b) Allergic reactions – These are also common causes that could trigger itchiness in your mouth. If the roof of your mouth turns itchy – without any other symptoms – it is caused most likely by an allergy. It can lead to sneezing and congestion in your nasal airways (which in turn leads to respiratory disorders).

(c) Fungal infections – Development of yeast is very common among people who wear dentures, braces or veneers. It is also likely to affect people who take inadequate amounts of vitamin and those who are already suffering from autoimmune medical conditions. Some people who take antibiotics can also develop these infections. The distinctive symptom, of course is itchiness at the roof of your mouth coupled with a tingling sensation on the rear side of your throat or inner side of cheeks and tongue. A while colored layer is often seen on the corners of your mouth as well as on your oral tissues.

(d) Blockage of airways – This condition is termed as anaphylaxis wherein your airways may get swollen to eventually get blocked. If untreated, it may even cause fatal outcomes. So, an itchy mouth (especially, the roof of the mouth) can be a serious condition if you have a medical history of respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, etc. The accompanying signs are increased rate of heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and at times, passing out. In a few instances, rashes can also be spotted on all parts of the body.

(e) High levels of stress or anxiety – This is not a common cause. Though it is quite rare, a higher level of anxiety can lead to an itchy and burning sensation inside your mouth. People have also reported that their lips (mainly, upper lip) tingling while under greater stress. This can be detected best through symptoms such as rapid rate of heart beats, faster breathing cycles as well as feeling dizzy, drowsy or nauseated.

(f) Infections by virus that causes cold or flu – Viral attacks can be observed when a burning or itchy sensation starts on the roof of your mouth. Even when virus attacks other parts of the body, your mouth may indicate an attack through an itchy feeling. Apart from your mouth, your nasal airways also develop similar symptoms. Such attacks are often accompanied by a runny nose, swelling of your lymph nodes, soreness of your throat, sneezing, etc.

(g) Oral thrush – A white colored residue (the same as that observed during fungal or yeast infections) is seen on the roof of your mouth along with an itchy sensation. This condition is quite common among newly born infants as well as toddlers. It is widely referred as infections caused by fungus. It can cause considerable amount of pain and irritation. Infants who experience oral thrush and itchiness may resist eating foods as well as drinking milk or other liquids.

(h) Allergies triggered by foods– This is also a common cause for itchiness; experienced at the roof of the mouth. Allergies may turn your mouth itchy each time you eat food. The distinctive signs of this condition are swollen lips and breathing difficulties (due to narrowing of your airways).

How to prevent likely itchiness at the roof of your mouth?

If itchiness at your mouth’s roof is a rare occurrence, it may be due to a one-off reason. But, if you find such itchiness recurring often, you may need to seek medical help without much delay. If left untreated, frequent occurrences of itchiness may lead to near-fatal or at times, even fatal conditions.

If itchiness occurs owing to an oral thrush or fungal infections, you may need to focus more on your oral hygiene. This may involve washing your dental prosthetics – such as braces or veneers – with added care. You may also need to consult your dentist, who may advise you to wash your mouth after every meal as well as change your toothpaste or toothbrush.

If your body needs regular intake of antibiotic drugs, check with an oral care specialist. You may be advised to take probiotics in order to balance the quantum of helpful or good bacteria. In general, your physician may recommend testing your body for likely allergies. These tests can tell the list of items – such as pollen grains or any specific foods – that may cause allergies in you. For example, once allergy-causing foods are listed – then stick to a basic meal plan by avoiding all allergy inducing substances. Gradually, you can add one food after another in order to isolate foods that are likely to cause allergic reactions in your system.

How to treat itchiness at the roof of the mouth?

Itchiness due to blisters or sores caused by cold – These sores may last for anywhere between 1 and 2 weeks. This is usually a rare occurrence. But, if you seem to be getting these sores and blisters regularly, you can consult a dentist or a physician who is qualified to treat oral conditions. Drugs administered treat by lessening the frequency and duration of occurrence of these sores in your mouth.

Allergies can be treated by taking antihistamine drugs. However, such drugs are taken only if the sensation is minor. If you develop serious symptoms such as inability to breath, you are advised to call 911 and seek medical help on an emergency basis.

Fungal infections may be treated with better oral health practices. The commonly employed approaches to treat include administration of drugs with antifungal properties, change to easily removable and washable braces or dental prosthetics, intake of probiotics, etc.

If itchiness at roof of mouth along with blockages of your nasal airways is experienced, the best way to treat it is to get medical help immediately. You may need to rush to an emergency room (ER) at the earliest possible time. You may need to note that delays in offering medical help or if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to death – at times.

When stress and increased anxiety levels cause itchiness, you may need to have an open discussion with a mental health expert. Since no two people get stressed-out due to same reasons, a mental health expert will aim to understand the causes behind increase in the levels of stress. Upon understanding the likely causes for stress, a customized treatment plan will be administered to reduce your anxiety levels.

Mouth itchiness caused by viral attacks is best treated by antiviral medications. It also becomes important to remain hydrated (drink copious amounts of water or fluids such as juices) and give a lot of rest to the body.

Babies who encounter oral thrush may need to be attended with added care. Your need to ensure your baby’s mouth stays clean. It is required to wipe after feeding your baby. It is also recommended to use a damp and clean tissue or cloth to wipe your baby’s mouth. For adults who experience oral thrush, a best known approach is to administer antifungal drugs. You may however have to check with your treating dentist before taking antifungal medications.

Itchiness caused by food related allergies may need to be treated through drugs with antihistamine properties. Though several over the counter (OTC) drugs are available, it is recommended to consult a qualified medical professional before taking such drugs. If your condition is acute, it is required to wear a bracelet or any such ID. Such identification tags can help people around you to seek medical help, if needed.

It is possible to get relief from itchiness by following a few precautions. These include, adhere to regular habits that can boost your oral health, rinse the walls of your mouth with mouthwash (ensure it does not contain alcohol), maintain a properly scheduled and balanced diet (by staying away from foods that are likely to cause allergies), perform mind relaxation exercises such as yoga, meditation, etc. – these can calm your mind and keep out stress and anxieties. You may also need to consume probiotics (oral) to keep a healthy balance of good bacteria; if probiotic drugs are not available, you can try foods that are rich in probiotics – like, a few dairy based products.

Always remember that the common triggers of itchiness at the roof of your mouth are infections, viral attacks and food related allergic reactions. It is also required to note down the frequency of this condition and how long do symptoms persist. Some people also note down the intensity of their medical condition – this may help doctors understand if the condition recurs with the same intensity every time. If the signs are not serious, you are advised to have a discussion with the treating physician or a dentist for needful treatment. On the other hand, if you are experiencing breathing problems, it is time to call 911 without any further delay.

In sum, itchiness triggered by food allergies is treated with antihistamines. Never forget that such drugs are taken only if the symptoms are at minor or moderate levels. If you are experiencing serious signs such as respiratory difficulties, it is highly recommended to call 911 for a medical emergency.

Also, if your airways are blocked along with itchiness, it again warrants taking medical attention at the earliest possible time. Timely provision of medical help has saved people from near-fatal consequences. Increased levels of stress can also cause itchiness; have a candid discussion with your mental health expert. Once the causes of stress are noted, a treatment plan may be developed to calm your mind.

Infants may suffer from oral thrush if your baby’s mouth is not cleaned often. You may use a clean and damp tissue or cloth while cleaning your baby’s mouth. Administration of antifungals is a best known treatment option for grownups or adults when they suffer from oral thrush. However, it is good practice to consult your dentist before consuming antifungals.

Itchiness at the roof of the mouth caused by virus (such as common cold virus or those causing herpes or chicken pox) may be treated by taking antiviral drugs. In such spells, you are advised to give rest to your body as well as consume needful amounts of water or other fluids.