Throughout the ages, societies have constantly sought treatments to enhance beauty and appearance. From control of hair loss, to removal of hair considered as unwanted; or removal of blemishes on the skin, the requirements have all revolved on the need to deal with flaws. As medical science and cosmetic procedures evolved, the nature of treatments and procedures progressed, offering advanced options. Hair removal through laser procedure is one among the modern options that are popular and commonly chosen for handling unwanted hair. While this option is relatively advantageous with removal offering recipients a lengthier gap between removal and regrowth, there are possible laser hair removal side effects. Here is a good look at these effects and how it can affect people differently.
How is laser hair removal performed? How many sessions are typically required?
Laser hair removal is an advanced procedure performed by a qualified dermatologist. A laser emitting machine is used in the procedure, where a concentrated light beam (the laser) is focused on the targeted area. The targeted area with the unwanted hair is initially identified and marked prior to the procedure. The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the emitted light from the laser device and the absorbed energy works to delay the hair growth, apart from removing the hair follicles. The advantage of laser hair removal unlike other options such as shaving or the use of creams is the effect of the laser. The beam and the energy emitted work within the skin, in the hair follicles and sacs shaped like tubes.
However, it is pertinent to note that laser hair removal procedure does not offer permanent results. The procedure gives longer results, which effectively means that the beneficiary of the procedure will have longer period between hair removal and hair regrowth. The number of sessions required for hair removal may depend on the area, the type of hair growth pattern and the presence of fine hair. While most of the hair may be removed during the first session, the desired results may typically be seen only after multiple sessions.
Suitability of laser hair removal procedure
One of the possible drawbacks of the procedure, which cannot be termed as laser hair removal side effects is the suitability of the procedure. Individuals with light complexion and dark hair combination are more suitable to undergo the procedure. However, this does not imply that the procedure will not work on individuals with other skin and hair color combinations. It is a relative expression, and effectively means that the results will be better for the first combination, than those with the other combinations. This mainly because the manner in which the laser energy and light works on the melanin in the hair follicles. Dark hair has more melanin when compared with hair that has lighter colored hair. Light skin with dark hair makes it easier for the procedure and the specialist to focus and target the unwanted hair. Individuals with other skin color and hair color combinations may require more sessions for desired results.
Can the procedure be performed by anyone with basic levels of training on the equipment?
Since the procedure is relatively more common and labelled as simple, there is a tendency to regard it as a procedure that can be performed by anyone with basic training. However, this is fully erroneous; laser hair removal is an advanced procedure and is to be performed only by a qualified dermatologist. It is a contact procedure and hence requires the equipment to be handled with great care and professionalism, with background knowledge about skin and hair. Unwanted pressure or incorrect handling of the equipment may result in serious consequences, such as long-term scarring and damage to the skin.
Is laser hair removal painful?
The procedure is relatively pain free in nature, with the possibility of individuals experiencing some kind of mild discomfort after the procedure is performed. The discomfort is typically similar to that of sunburns or tans and does not affect all individuals. It is known to cause mild effects only among individuals with extremely sensitive skin types. The best option to determine the possibility of any future discomfort is to undergo a patch test before undergoing the procedure. Depending on the results of the patch test, it is possible to ascertain if similar effects maybe experienced on areas that are targeted.
Is there a possibility of long-term laser hair removal side effects?
The advantages of laser hair removal are the good tolerance and less side effects associated with the procedure. There have been no reports of long-term undesirable effects from the procedure. This makes it relatively safe, with desired result. Individuals tend to be misled about the efficacy or the safety about the procedure, with unfounded or unsubstantiated claims about effects. One such claim is the possibility of radiation effects from the procedure and the link to cancer. This is erroneous, and the procedure which results in negligible amounts of radiation does not result in cancer.
Similarly, individuals are best with doubts about the procedure causing infertility. This is again another wholly unproven claim. The contact procedure only works on the appropriate payer of the skin and the hair follicles. There is absolutely no possibility of the procedure causing any impact on reproductive organs that are linked to fertility, and the procedure also does not affect any organs in the body.
Compilation of undesirable effects
As mentioned above, there are possible undesirable short-term effects, that are mild in nature. These effects will generally not require any kind of medical intervention or remedy, and will resolve naturally. Intervention or remedies may be required only in extremely rare circumstances. Effects that are likely to be reported more frequently include reddish coloration of the skin. This could be typically accompanied by some form of irritation on the skin. The targeted nature of the procedure may work on areas of the skin, and sensitive skin types are more prone to experience irritation and reddish appearance. Discernible outcomes also include a tingling sensation, or some form of tenderness with mild inflammation of the affected area.
How will the skin look after the procedure is completed?
While the procedure offers relatively longer results than other contact procedures such as waxing or shaving, the immediate appearance post-procedure is similar. In other words, individuals who have undergone laser hair removal are likely to have their skin appear waxed, or shaved. Post-procedure, individuals are recommended suitable topical applications, that will help to mitigate the effects. While the immediate appearance may subside naturally and quickly, it is possible to speed up the process through simple home remedies such as the application of ice packs or relying on a cool bath.
What kind of visible outcomes may be possible after the procedure?
Certain visible outcomes are a possibility after the procedure. For instance, scabbing is a possibility though not as extensive or intense as other reasons for scabbing. This refers to the formation of crusts on the skin, with an impact on the appearance – both in terms of complexion and softness of the skin. Scabbing as a result of laser procedures may be experienced only in a very small number of individuals. Simple methods help deal with the problem – for instance a moisturizer can reduce the impact of the heat of the laser which may be responsible for the crusting.
Will the procedure cause darkening of complexion?
Temporary darkening of skin color is a possibility, but this depends on various factors. It is necessary to add that the skin color will automatically get restored to be pre-procedure complexion after a short period. This does not impact all users, with only a small section of individuals likely to be affected. The area of the skin where the hair is to be removed, the sensitive nature of the skin, and the possibility of exposure to the sunlight, are all reasons that may contribute to darkening of skin complexion. On a contrary note, individuals with darker skin complexion may end up with temporary lightening of skin, with the individual’s skin returning to original complexion after a short period, naturally.
What happens if the equipment is handled by incompetent or untrained individuals?
The equipment needs to be handled by trained experts and the use of substandard equipment or use by untrained individuals can cause damage. It is also important to note that laser hair removal is all about removal of unwanted hair, which can also be in sensitive areas, such as the area around the eye. Any unprofessional or untrained handling may cause irreparable damage to the eye.
Infections are another possible risk, that can be experienced by individuals after the procedure. By virtue of being a contact procedure, there is the possibility of infection risk. Intended beneficiaries are advised to discuss this in length and rely on qualified dermatologists, who will be in a better position to halt the spread of the infection. Most individuals are likely to depend on self-medication to handle infections, such as OTC applications. However, it is important to avoid self-medication after procedures, and to rely on prescription applications to treat the infection.
Is there a possibility of scarring from the procedure?
The procedure does not result in scarring if the equipment is handled correctly or if it is performed by a qualified dermatologist. Among the many reasons that contribute to the popularity of the procedure is the scar free nature of the outcomes. However, if handled incorrectly or if performed by individuals without the requisite knowledge, levels, there is a possibility of scarring. Therefore, the risk of scarring is not related to the procedure, but the manner in which the procedure is performed and the individual performing laser hair removal.
Is this procedure safe for pregnant women?
Studies have not been conducted yet on the impact of the procedure on pregnant women. As a result, it is advisable to postpone the procedure till a later date or a period that is considered as safe, as per studies. One of the reasons for pregnant women considering the procedure is the possible excessive growth of hair during various stages of pregnancy. This is linked to the hormonal changes that can have an impact on hair growth.